Baron Traders Limited
GIBRALTAR, October 13, 2011 -
Carbon will be the world's biggest commodity market and it could become the world's biggest market overall Barclays Capital
The Global carbon market reached $142 billion in 2010 and is expected to reach between $2 and $3 trillion by 2020
The voluntary carbon market grew in volume by 34% in 2010, exceeding the growth in the compliance market State of the Carbon Markets 2011 EcoSystems Marketplace & Bloomberg New Energy Finance
The voluntary carbon market is forecast to grow 8 times from 2011 to 2020
In the voluntary carbon markets, Aviva, Dell, Coca Cola, Puma, Marks & Spencer, Qantas, HSBC, HP and many more including nearly all S&P 500 & FTSE 100 companies buy carbon credits
Price appreciation and global expansion expected in the mid to long term driven by high demand from increasing international legislation and the ever growing need for companies to satisfy their CSR requirements
Carbon credits are becoming more mainstream and are now SIPP approved with a number of widely recognised SIPP providers
But how do you know where to buy carbon creditssafely?
Purchase DIRECT from a long established and globally recognised carbon provider through UK HSBC banking routes
Buy fully completed, issued VCS or above standard credits that you can view on the public registry PRIOR to purchase
Have your credits held in the most secure environment under the custodianship of an FSA regulated company on one of the major recognised public carbon registries
Enjoy your own unique web link access to view your purchases through the provider
Genuine exit strategy available via the provider with established links to the major registries and exchanges
By purchasing via a VeriSign trusted company from an established UK provider you will have access to the most secure, transparent end to end service with absolutely no hidden extras.