
BRASILIA, Brazil, March 20, 2011 - Two important announcements involving renewable energy made on the opening day of U.S.

BRASILIA, Brazil, April 28, 2010 - By unanimous vote (3x0), the 4th Panel of the Superior Justice Court (STJ), the highest Brazilian court for uniformization of precedents on non-constitutional matters, yesterday denied the claim for indemnification for moral damages brought against the cigarette manufacturer Souza Cruz S/A (the Brazilian branch of British American Tobacco Group - BAT, Amex: BTI) (Bovespa: CRUZ3), by family members of ex-smoker Vitorino Mattiazzi, in the estimated amount of R$ 490,000.

BRASILIA, Brazil, November 12 - Deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon dropped 45.7 percent from August 2008 to July 2009, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva announced today during a meeting with state governors and mayors in Brasilia.
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