
ZURICH, September 25, 2011 - New data analysis presented at ERS 2011 supports the ability of roflumilast to shift COPD patients from the frequent to the more stable infrequent exacerbator state[1] Data support use of roflumilast to prevent exacerbations, which currently impose a substantial burden on patients and health-care systems worldwide[2] For multimedia information, click here: Nycomed today announced new findings to showthatDaxas(roflumilast) helpsto prevent exacerbations in COPD patients of the'frequent exacerbator'phenotype.[1] The data, presented at the 2011 European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress in Amsterdam, 24-28 September,have important implications for the management of COPD in thispatient population, whoare at increased risk of disease progression compared with those who have no or infrequent exacerbations.

ZURICH, September 20, 2010 - - Global Survey Published Today Shows Long-Term Impact of Exacerbations Seriously Underestimated[1] - More Than Three Quarters of Patients Surveyed Suffer From Exacerbations[1] - New Data Analysis Released at ERS Shows the Ability of Daxas(R) (roflumilast) to Reduce Frequency of Harmful COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Exacerbations[2] A global survey of clinicians and COPD patients released today shows that the long-term (12-month) impact of exacerbations (also known as lung attacks) is underestimated.

GLASGOW, Scotland, June 10, 2010 - Further results from the European Survey of Breakthrough Cancer Pain(1) were presented for the first time today at the 6th Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) in Glasgow.

LISBON, Portugal - - Head to Head Study Confirms Superiority of the New Intranasal Treatment for Breakthrough Cancer Pain Over OTFC New data presented today further demonstrate the efficacy of Instanyl in management of breakthrough cancer pain.

LISBON, Portugal - - Choosing a More Appropriate Route of Administration for Fast Acting Pain Relief Could be the key to Improvement The first results of the first European survey of cancer patients' experience of breakthrough pain[1] were presented today at the 6th congress of the European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain (EFIC).
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