
LONDON, November 2, 2011 - Prudential has revealed that nearly half (46 per cent) of women over the age of 40 who live with a partner have no pension of their own, according to new research into couples' attitudes to retirement.

LONDON, October 12, 2011 - Prudential has revealed that nearly three million working age adults will prioritise going on holiday over continuing to save for their retirement as their finances are squeezed.

LONDON, October 10, 2011 - Prudential has revealed new research which shows more than a third (35 per cent) of British adults who are yet to retire have stopped paying into their pension pots.

LONDON, September 15, 2011 - Prudential has revealed that more than one in three (35 per cent) workers in the UK admit that they don't have a pension, meaning that they will have to rely on the State Pension and any savings in retirement.

LONDON, September 5, 2011 - Prudential has revealed that pensioners retiring this year on a fixed income could lose 60 per cent of their spending power over the course of a 20 year retirement.
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