
DUBLIN, December 30, 2010 - The international independent music community Hitlantis, the biggest in Europe, is continuing to expand and is still attracting world-wide attention with its unique service and user interface.

HELSINKI, August 23, 2010 - The international internet website and music service Hitlantis.com, with the unique user interface it developed a year ago, has attracted worldwide attention and interest since its launch.

DUBLIN, July 26, 2010 - Hitlantis, the worldwide internet music service for independent artists, which has rapidly gained immense popularity, is now the most popular indie music site in Europe.

DUBLIN, May 28, 2010 - Embassy of Silence, one of the first and most popular bands on Hitlantis, which last autumn launched a new era in online music community services, concluded a recording contract with Supernova after only a few months of working with Hitlantis.

DUBLIN, May 26, 2010 - According to a recent English survey, Hitlantis, which last autumn launched a new era in online music services, is the world's most generous band site.
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