Hubert Burda Media

MUNICH, July 6, 2011 - Over 70 international speakers from 20 countries and more than 500 guests discussed the topic of "Innovation and Authenticity" in the Bavarian National Museum "Inspiring and memorable days and a phenomenal bunch of guests," David Rowan, chief editor of British "Wired" tweeted today about the DLDwomen 2011.

MUNICH, June 10, 2011 - - All Divisions Profitable - Accelerated Growth Thanks to Efficient Structures, Strong Brands and Leading Market Positions Hubert Burda Media recorded a noticeable recovery of group sales in the fiscal year 2010.

MUNICH, January 16, 2011 - The DLD conference (Digital, Life, Design) is held for the seventh time in Munich, January 23 - 25 2011.
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