Tfi Group

LONDON, September 19, 2011 - TFI Group (TFI Holding Ltd), one of the UK's leading event management agencies, announced strong results for the financial year 2010, including an increase in turnover of 561k (6.5%) and gross profit increased to 1.97m (10.4% increase).

LONDON, May 26, 2011 - TFI Group, one of the UK's leading event management agencies, has celebrated its 30th anniversary, culminating in an event for suppliers, partners and clients in London.

LONDON, December 2, 2010 - TFI Group, one of the UK's leading event management agencies, has seen its pharmaceutical division grow following a number of high-profile account wins.

LONDON, November 30, 2010 - TFI Group, one of the UK's leading event management agencies, was recognised by its peers at a ceremony on Friday night at the Eventia International Awards 2010.
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