Banco Bradesco: Third Quarter 2009 Earnings Results
By Prne, Gaea News NetworkTuesday, November 3, 2009
The main figures obtained by Bradesco in the 9-month period of 2009 are presented below:
1. Net Income for the 9-month period totaled R$5.831 billion (a 0.2% y-o-y variation relative to the adjusted net income of R$5.819 billion), corresponding to EPS of R$2.49 (accumulated over 12 months) and a 21.8% annualized return on Average Shareholders’ Equity (1).
2. Net income comprised R$3.936 billion from financial activities, which represented 68% of the total, and R$1.895 billion from insurances and private pension plans, which accounted for 32% of total Net Income.
3. Bradesco’s market capitalization as of September 30, 2009 stood at R$98.751 billion, highlighting that its preferred shares increased by 57.8% during the 9 month period of 2009.
4. Total Assets reached R$485.686 billion in September 2009, an increase of 14.9% vis-à-vis 2008. Annualized return on average Assets reached 1.6%, vis-à-vis 2.0% in the same period of last year.
5. The Total Loan Portfolio(2) stood at R$215.536 billion in September 2009, 10.2% higher on a y-o-y analysis. Operations with individuals totaled R$75.528 billion (up by 8.2%), while loans to corporations totaled R$140.008 billion (up by 11.3%).
6. Total Assets under Management reached R$674.788 billion, an increase of 18.3% vis-à-vis September 2008.
7. Shareholders’ Equity totaled R$38.877 billion in September 2009, a 13.8% y-o-y growth. The Capital Adequacy Ratio (Basel II) stood at 17.7% in September 2009, 14.3% of which being Tier I Capital.
8. In the 9-month period of 2009, shareholders were paid, in the form of Interest on Shareholders’ Capital and Dividends, R$3.868 billion, R$1.987 billion of which referring to the income generated in the period and R$1.881 billion referring to the year of 2008.
9. The Efficiency Ratio(3) in September 2009 was 41.7% (43.0% in September 2008).
10. Investments in infrastructure, IT and telecommunications amounted to R$2.493 billion, up by 35.6% y-o-y.
11. Taxes and contributions, including social security, paid or provisioned, calculated based on the main activities developed by the Bradesco Organization in the 9-month period, amounted to R$7.037 billion, equivalent to 120.7% of the Net Income. Financial intermediation taxes withheld and paid by Bradesco amounted to R$4.152 billion.
12. Banco Bradesco has a comprehensive distribution network, of 5,951 Branches, minibranches- PABs and PAAs (3,419 branches, 1,194 mini-branches-PABs and 1,338 PAAs). In addition, 1,539 PAEs, 30,414 ATMs in the Bradesco Dia&Noite (Day&Night) Network, 18,722 Bradesco Expresso outlets, 6,038 Banco Postal (Postal Bank) branches, 64 branches of Bradesco Financiamentos and 6,764 ATMs in the Banco24Horas (24HourBank) are available to Bradesco clients.
13. In 9M09, employees’ compensation plus charges and benefits totaled R$5.065 billion. Social benefits provided to the 85,027 employees of Bradesco Organization and their dependent relatives stood at R$1.166 billion and investment expenditures in development and training programs reached R$66.3810 million.
14. In August 2009, Bradesco won 8 out of 26 lots auctioned by the Social Security National Service - INSS referring to the social security payment for new beneficiaries over the next 5 years, as of 2010, for a 20-year term.
15. In September 2009, Bradesco entered into a partnership with Banco Espirito Santo, S.A. (BES - Portugal) to create 2bCapital, a new private equity fund manager in Brazil.
16. In September 2009, Bradesco entered into an agreement with Banco Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Brasil to expand collection services.
17. In September 2009, Bradesco raised U$750 million abroad, by issuing subordinated notes with a 6.75% p.a. rate and a 10-year term.
18. Awards and Acknowledgements received in 3Q09:
– Most profitable Bank in the Americas (Economatica consulting firm); — Best Company of the year, best Bank, best Insurance, Private Pension and Health Company among the top 500 largest Brazilian companies (IstoE Dinheiro magazine) — Bradesco Seguros e Previdencia (Insurance Group) is Brazil’s Largest Insurance Group (Valor 1000 Yearbook magazine); — For the 2nd year in a row, Bradesco Seguros e Previdencia was elected the Best Insurance Company in South America (World Finance magazine); — Once again Bradesco was included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI); — One of the 10 best companies and the Best Bank to work for in Brazil, in the Large Corporates category (Guia Voce S/A Exame magazine); — Largest Brazilian company in terms of Intangible Assets of companies listed at BM&FBovespa (IAM - Intangible Asset Management Consulting / The Brander magazine / Brand Finance consulting company); — Winner of the 11th Abrasca Award - 2008 Best Annual Report, in the Publicly-Held Companies category, promoted by Abrasca - Brazilian Association of Publicly-Held Companies; and — First Brazilian company to receive the 2009 Golden Peacock Global Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance, created by the Institute of Directors, whose purpose is to recognize the search for transparency and excellence in Corporate Governance.
19. In October 2009, an Association Agreement is signed between OdontoPrev and Bradesco Dental, to integrate dental plans sales activities, which provides for the merger of Bradesco Dental shares into OdontoPrev, and, as a result, Bradesco Dental becomes OdontoPrev’s wholly-owned subsidiary. According to the agreement, Bradesco Saude will receive shares equivalent to 43.5% of OdontoPrev capital stock.
20. Regarding Sustainability, Bradesco’s actions are focused on three pillars: (i) Sustainable Finances, aimed at bank inclusion, social and environmental variables for loan granting and offering of social and environmental products, (ii) Responsible Management, with emphasis in employee recognition, work environment improvement and eco-efficient practices, and (iii) Social and Environmental Investments, aimed at education, the environment, culture and sport. We highlight Fundacao Bradesco, which has been developing a broad social and educational program for over 52 years, maintaining 40 schools throughout Brazil. In 2009, with a budget estimated at R$231.3 million, Fundacao Bradesco will be able to service over 642 thousand people, 111 thousand (4) of which are students who will receive free-of-charge quality education.
(1) Excluding the assets valuation adjustment recorded in Shareholders’ Equity; (2) Considering Sureties and Guarantees, advance of credit cards receivables and loan assignment (Receivables Securitization Funds - FIDC and Certificates of Real Estate Receivables - CRI); (3) Accumulated over 12 months; and (4) Forecast.
Source: Banco Bradesco
Carlos Tsuyoshi Yamashita, Tel: +55-11-2178-6204, e-mail 4823.carlos at, of Banco Bradesco
Tags: Banco Bradesco, Brazil, England, Sao paulo, Switzerland