Bradesco APIMEC Meetings 2011
By Banco Bradesco S.a., PRNEMonday, August 15, 2011
SAO PAULO, August 16, 2011 -
Follow today, August, 16, at 7pm (Brazil time) a live Webcast of the Bradesco (BM&FBovespa: BBDC3; BBDC4), (NYSE: BBD) APIMEC Meeting in the city of Belo Horizonte.
The event will include presentations of Bradesco’s Results, Strategies, Outlook and the Macroeconomic Scenario, with a focus on Credit Growth and the trajectory of Brazilian Household Debt and Delinquency.
Go to to watch the presentation and participate in the question and answer session. The broadcast will be simultaneously translated into English.
*Brazil time
Mrs. Ivani Benazzi de Andrade
Phone: +55-11-2178-6218
or Mr. Carlos Tsuyoshi Yamashita
Phone: +55-11-2178-6204
Tags: August 16, Banco Bradesco S/A, Brazil, Sao paulo