Marketing Automation, Social Media, Email, CRM and Web Analytics United via CleverTouch Joined-up-Marketing Hub
By Clevertouch, PRNEMonday, February 28, 2011
Enterprise Marketers Given Single View of all Online Activity With Unique Integration Hub
LONDON, March 1, 2011 - Heads of Marketing juggling multiple applications within marketing
automation, social media, email, CRM and web analytics environments, can now
integrate activity and reporting into a single hub.
Designed and built by CleverTouch (, the
Joined-up-Marketing Hub provides a way of reporting multiple instances of
marketing automation and CRM in a single view. The Hub dynamically
synchronises data via a two-way handshake between the Data Warehouse and the
CRM, marketing automation, social media and web analytics tools. This
provides a truly single integrated view of complete the prospect and customer
online activity.
This new level of data consistency significantly improves efficiency of
marketing departments, allowing them access to data when required, and
eradicating duplication of digital marketing activity. It provides an easy to
use dashboard overview within enterprise marketing departments, database
marketing management teams, business analysts, and heads of IT.
The product can support any API-enabled marketing automation platform,
such as Eloqua (, and
others including, Silverpop (, Act-on
(, Pardot (, Radian 6
(, and can store and create millions of contacts and
thousands of data fields.
"We developed the Hub as an answer to the increase in online channels and
data sources that the in-house marketing team has to manage," said Adam Sharp
(, Managing Director at CleverTouch.
"However, this product goes further than that, bridging the divide between
marketing, business intelligence and IT managers, by easing integration and
workflow issues."
"This is exactly the innovation our enterprise customers want - the
ability to link Eloqua to the Data Warehouse thereby re-using existing
assets," said Rob Brewer, SVP, Business Development, at Eloqua. "Our
customers have sophisticated online marketing programmes and this development
will both simplify and optimise their efforts across multiple departments."
The Hub can be developed for each specific environment and customised to
hold multiple versions of marketing automation, e-commerce, social media and
web analytics data. The solution queries all instances of activity across
platforms and updates daily, storing in one single RDBMS database.
More information on the CleverTouch Joined-Up-Marketing Hub is available
at or at the Technology for Marketing &
Advertising show (, Earls Court, March 1-2,
Stand H8.
About CleverTouch
CleverTouch ( is a joined-up-marketing
consultancy with a broad portfolio of clients in the B2B and B2C sectors,
including K2, Fusion io, Iconnyx, Acronis and Trend Micro. It works with the
best of marketing technology partners, such as Eloqua, and Silverpop.
With years of in-house and agency marketing experience, CleverTouch helps
organisations accelerate their business growth by focusing on sales and
marketing alignment, prospect and customer understanding and the intelligent
use of marketing technologies. CleverTouch enables businesses to grow through
smarter joined-up-marketing encompassing the four disciplines of inbound,
outbound, online and offline.
For more information please contact Thea Parnell on +44(0)7872-464469 or
For more information please contact Thea Parnell on +44(0)7872-464469 or email tparnell at
Tags: Clevertouch, London, March 1, United Kingdom