Aon Consulting

ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands, September 13, 2010 - While there are fears of a double-dip recession in countries across Europe, it seems Europeans are starting to get a little stir-crazy, with one third (33%) of workers stating that they plan to start looking for a new job by the end of the year, according to Aon Consulting, the leading employee risk and benefits management firm.

ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands, August 9, 2010 - - Spain and France the Retirement Destinations of Choice - British and German Workers the Least Enthusiastic About Retiring at Home - Retirement Emigration Could Lead to Massive Shift in Healthcare Budgets Spain, the country famed for lazy days in the sun, siesta, tapas, sangria and of course a World Cup winning football team, is the retirement destination of choice for workers in Europe, with one in four (25%) Europeans wishing to retire abroad identifying Spain as their preferred country according to a survey of over 7,500 European workers from Aon Consulting, the leading employee risk and benefits management firm.

ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, July 15, 2010 - Across Europe, more than 120 million* sick days a year are actually taken for personal reasons rather than for an illness according to Aon Consulting, the leading employee risk and benefits management firm.

LONDON and ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands, June 17, 2010 - More than half (55%) of Europeans believe they will have to delay their retirement because of the current economic climate, according to Aon Consulting, the leading employee risk and benefits management firm.
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