Ascade AB

STOCKHOLM, October 20, 2010 - Ascade, the global market-leader in advanced Routing, Billing and Quality solutions for the Interconnect market, today announced that it has signed a long-term agreement with Lebara for the provision of its Ascade software suite.

STOCKHOLM - Ventelo Awards Ascade With a Contract for the Interconnect Business Platform Carrier Cockpit(TM) - a Complete Solution for Routing & Trading STOCKHOLM, May 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Ascade, the global market-leader in advanced Routing & Trading, Billing and Quality of Service solutions for the Interconnect market, today announced that, Ventelo Sweden AB (Ventelo), a Stockholm based wholesale carrier, has decided to implement the Carrier Cockpit(TM) Routing & Trading as well as Network Provisioning modules to manage their complete wholesale business.
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