PARIS, November 15, 2011 -
Sales: €23.7billion (+3%)
Current operating profit: €1,338million (+1%)
Good commercial activity and high order book for the Construction businesses
Very healthy financial structure
Sales target revised upwards to €32.2billion
The operating performance in the first nine months of 2011 was robust, in keeping with the first half of 2011 and in line with the 2011 roadmap.
PARIS, August 31, 2011 -
- Solid operating performance confirmed by an improvement in Q2 results
- Sales: €15.2billion (+4%)
- Current operating profit: €752million (+6%)
- 2011 sales target revised upward to €32billion
Bouygues turned in a solid operating performance in the first half of 2011, endorsing the full-year roadmap for all the Group's business areas.
PARIS, March 1, 2011 -
- Strong Commercial Performance Across the Group
- Stable Sales: EUR31.2 Billion
- Current Operating Profit: EUR1.8 Billion (-5%)
- Net Profit: EUR1.1 Billion (-19%)
- Very Sound Financial Structure With an Improvement in net Gearing
- Stable Dividend: EUR1.60
Sales were stable in relation to 2009 at EUR31.2 billion (down
3% like-for-like and at constant exchange rates).
PARIS, December 2, 2010 - Bouygues group sales were stable over the first nine months of
2010 at EUR23,067 million.
PARIS, November 9, 2010 - 1) Sales
In the first nine months of 2010, the Bouygues group reported
consolidated sales of EUR23.1 billion, stable compared with the previous year
and down 3% like-for-like and at constant exchange rates.
More News
- Bouygues First-half 2010. Sales: EUR14.7 Billion (-1%). Net Profit: EUR532 Million (-3%). A Satisfactory Operating Performance in Four Business Areas, a More Difficult First Half for Colas. 2010 Sales Target Revised Upward to EUR30.4 Billion
- Bouygues - First-quarter 2010: Net Profit Attributable to the Group: EUR181 Million (+14%); Sales: EUR6.4 Billion (-2%); Operating Profit: EUR162 Million (-2%)
- BOUYGUES: First-Quarter 2010 Sales: EUR6.4 billion (-2%)
- Bouygues: Full-year 2009 Results
- Bouygues : Net Profit for the First Nine Months of 2009: EUR1.02 Billion (-15%)
- Sales for the First Nine Months of 2009: EUR23.2 Billion (-3%) EUR23.4 Billion (-3%) Excluding the Sale of Finagestion