Energy Optimizers Limited

GRIMSBY, England, June 2, 2011 - - With a Range of User Configured Settings, the New Plogg With ZigBee PRO Provides for Faster Network Speeds and Larger Wireless Sensor Networks Energy Optimizers Limited (EOL) has upgraded the wireless protocol for their plogg wireless electricity meters to ZigBee PRO.

GRIMSBY, England, April 6, 2011 - Energy Optimizers Limited's (EOL) metering device, called the plogg, now allows researchers to evaluate ubiquitous monitoring solutions for individual appliances and electronic devices using the Web in order to improve energy efficiency in the home and across the electricity grid.

GRIMSBY, England, March 21, 2011 - The Plogg from Energy Optimizers Limited (EOL) is used to evaluate the energy performance and profile of electrical appliances based upon actual consumer behaviour.

GRIMSBY, England, February 28, 2011 - Energy Optimizers Limited (EOL) has extended the range of powerful logging features in its plug-in, ZigBee ( wireless electricity meters for load analysis in commercial buildings with 230VAC appliances.

GRIMSBY, England, November 15, 2010 - Energy Optimizers Limited (EOL) ( has launched a new version of its existing plug-in electricity meter which can be configured to host alternative embedded radio modules and modified for customised user interfaces.
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