Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited
HONG KONG, March 4, 2010 - Key Highlights:
-- Group mobile customers grew 98% to approximately 13 million
-- Profit for the year of HK$5.8 billion
-- Israel operation disposal in October with a gain of approximately
HK$6.3 billion
-- Spin-off of Hong Kong and Macau operations in May
Financial Highlights:
2008 2009
HK$ millions HK$ millions
Turnover 1,808 1,856
Operating loss (813) (2,069)
Loss for the year from continuing operations (728) (2,736)
Profit from discontinued operations 2,396 8,517
Profit for the year 1,668 5,781
Profit attributable to equity holders of the
Company 1,132 4,940
Basic earnings per share attributable to equity
holders of the Company HK$0.24 HK$1.03
Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited ('Hutchison Telecom';
'the Group'; 'the Company'; SEHK: 2332; NYSE: HTX) today announced its 2009
annual results and its fourth quarter key performance indicators.
HONG KONG, January 15 - Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited ("Hutchison Telecom"
or the "Company"; SEHK: 2332, NYSE: HTX) today announced that its board of
directors has established an independent board committee (the "Independent
Board Committee") comprising Mr Kwan Kai Cheong and Mr Kevin Westley, both
independent non-executive directors of Hutchison Telecom, and has, with the
approval of the Independent Board Committee, appointed Somerley Limited as
the independent financial adviser to advise the Independent Board Committee,
in connection with the Company's privatisation proposal and for the purposes
prescribed by the Hong Kong Takeovers Code.
HONG KONG, January 8 - Hutchison Whampoa Limited ("HWL") and Hutchison Telecommunications
International Limited ("HTIL", SEHK: 2332; NYSE: HTX) jointly announce today
that an HWL Group company ("Offeror") has requested the board of directors of
HTIL to put forward a proposal to privatise HTIL by way of a Scheme of
Arrangement (the "Scheme") under the Companies Law of the Cayman Islands
HONG KONG, January 4 - Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited ("HTIL" or the
"Company"; SEHK: 2332, NYSE: HTX) today announces that it has received an
approach from the Company's majority shareholder, Hutchison Whampoa Limited,
regarding a possible general offer to the Company's shareholders and option
holders, and understands that an announcement pursuant to the Hong Kong
Takeovers Code on the subject may be imminent.
- Solid progress in emerging market operations
Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited ("Hutchison Telecom", "the Group", SEHK: 2332; NYSE: HTX) today announced its unaudited key performance indicators for the quarter ended 30 September 2009.