
JOENSUU, Finland, October 26, 2011 - Blancco Solidifies Position as Provider of World's Most Certified Data Erasure Software With Approvals From Mexico's SFP and UK's CESG Government Approval Bodies Blancco, the global leader in data erasure and computer reuse solutions, today confirmed its commitment to providing the world's most certified data erasure software with the announcement of two government certifications.

JOENSUU, Finland, July 28, 2011 - A newVersionof Blancco Mobile EditionReleased Today Enables FastandSecure ErasureofPersonalandCorporate Data FromiPhones and iPads,RelievingtheIncreasing ThreatofSensitive Data Leaks Corporations using iPhones and iPads and recyclers of iPhones and iPads worldwide can now use a data erasure solution called Blancco Mobile Edition to safely erase sensitive personal and business data like emails, photos and contacts before replacing, selling or disposing of the equipment.

JOENSUU, Finland, June 22, 2011 - Blancco's New LUN Eraser Helps Prevent Dangerous Information Leaks Blancco, the global leader in data erasure and end-of-lifecycle solutions, recently launched its latest solution for the secure erasure of data within live storage environments.

JOENSUU, Finland, April 12, 2011 - Blancco, the global leader in data erasure and computer reuse solutions, has announced a strategic partnership with U.S.-based IQ reseller, a provider of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software designed for IT asset disposal (ITAD) specialists, resellers and recyclers.

JOENSUU, Finland, February 14, 2011 - After a nearly 40% jump in sales for 2010 fueled by an increasing number of global and regional data security regulations, Blancco, the global leader in data erasure and end-of-lifecycle solutions, has announced the opening of three new area offices.
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