Nielsen Online

LONDON - Seven in ten consumers globally agree that advertising contributes to economic growth, while eight in ten agree that advertising helps create jobs, according to a survey of 25,420 consumers in 50 countries conducted by The Nielsen Company for the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) in April 2009.

LONDON - The company promotes Mobile offers across 45 countries worldwide, all over Europe, Americas and APAC, including Mobile Trivia games, IQ Tests, Win Stuff, Mobile Dating & Chat, Ringtones, Wallpapers, Mobile Games, Horoscopes, WAP offers and much more.

LONDON - - Number of Britons Visiting 'Cellular/Paging' Websites From PCs/Laptops up 58 Percent Year-on-Year; 'Food & Cooking' Visitors up 56 Percent, 'Coupons/Rewards' up 55 Percent The Nielsen Company today reveals the contrasting array of online sectors that have experienced the greatest growth in number of UK visitors from PCs/laptops over the last year.

LONDON - Seven in ten consumers globally agree that advertising contributes to economic growth, while eight in ten agree that advertising helps create jobs, according to a survey of 25,420 consumers in 50 countries conducted by The Nielsen Company for the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) in April 2009.

LONDON - - Consequently, the Other 7,625 Brands Currently Tracked by Nielsen Online are Fighting for the Remaining 55 Percent of Time Britons Spend Online - Facebook is the Most Heavily Used Web Brand, Accounting for 13 Percent of all UK Internet Time - or one in Every Eight Minutes - Communication and Entertainment are Central Themes Amongst Most Heavily Used Web Brands LONDON, September 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Despite the increasing proliferation of new websites and services, Nielsen Online, a service of the Nielsen Company, today reveals the staggering share of time accounted for by the ten most heavily used web brands.
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