Permits Foundation
THE HAGUE, The Netherlands, September 17, 2010 - The introduction of caps on employment of highly skilled
foreign workers and intra-company transfers would stifle the UK's economic
recovery and damage its competitive position longer term.
THE HAGUE, The Netherlands, July 19, 2010 - Proposals by the European Commission for a directive on the entry and
residence of Intra Corporate Transferees fail to address the needs of working
spouses and partners.
NEW DELHI, November 30 - In the news release, "Permits Foundation Petitions Indian Government to
Grant Expatriate Spouses Easier Access to Work" issued on 30 Nov 2009 03:30
GMT, by Permits Foundation over PR Newswire, we are advised by a
representative of the company that a change has been made to the first
paragraph and that an additional contact for India has been added.
THE HAGUE, The Netherlands, November 30 - A lack of spouse employment opportunities adversely affects global
mobility of highly skilled international staff.
NEW DELHI, November 30 - Permits Foundation, an international non-profit corporate initiative, has
initiated a campaign directed at changing the existing laws on employment
rights for expatriate spouses through an improved visa regime for those on
intra-corporate transfers.