
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 +/- 2008 2007 (Restated) (Restated) (in RM billion) Revenue 264.2 18.4% 223.1 184.1 Profit Before Taxation 89.1 (6.7%) 95.5 76.3 EBITDA 105.5 (4.0%) 109.9 88.7 Net Profit 52.5 (13.9%) 61.0 46.4 Total Assets 388.1 14.4% 339.3 294.6 Shareholder's Funds 232.1 15.1% 201.7 171.7 (in USD billion) Revenue 77.0 16.3% 66.2 51.0 Profit Before Taxation 26.0 (8.5%) 28.4 21.1 EBITDA 30.8 (5.5%) 32.6 24.5 Net Profit 15.3 (15.5%) 18.1 12.9 Total Assets 106.1 0.1% 106.0 85.2 Shareholder's Funds 63.5 0.8% 63.0 49.7 Average RM/US$ exchange rate 3.4318 3.3690 3.6100 KEY FINANCIAL AND OPERATIONAL RATIOS FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 2008 Return on Revenue (PBT/Revenue) 33.7% 42.8% Return on Assets (PBT/Total Assets) 23.0% 28.1% Return on Average Capital Employed 37.1% 45.4% Debt / Assets Ratio 0.11x 0.11x Reserves Replacement Ratio - Domestic 1.1x 0.9x - International 4.1x 0.6x - Total 1.8x 0.9x OVERVIEW The financial year ended 31 March 2009 was a difficult and highly challenging year for the PETRONAS Group, as the global oil and gas industry was thrust into an environment of heightened volatility and uncertainty amidst the worst global economic crisis in more than 70 years.

DENVER - Key Data are New Releases for the Company Building on Milestones with Recent FDA Meetings and Technology Discoveries - DXL625 monoclonal antibodies appear to be superior to commercial-stage antibodies in their ability to attach and deplete NHL in late stage pre-clinical studies, according to research conducted at InNexus Biotechnology Inc.

ZURICH, Switzerland - An Invitation to the Launch of "Food First" An Urgent Call to Action by "The Humboldt Forum for Food and Agriculture" International Press Conference (incl.

THE HAGUE, The Netherlands - Fourth Quarter Results in Line With Pre-announcement of February 17, 2009 - AEGON Maintains Strong Capital Position: - Excess Capital Over AA Capital Adequacy Requirements of EUR 2.9 Billion; - IGDa) Capital Surplus of EUR 5.6 Billion, Equivalent to a Solvency Ratio of 183%; - NAIC RBCb) Ratio of 350% for the US Life Insurance Operations; - Core Capitalc) of EUR 16.2 Billion Excluding Revaluation Reserve at the end of 2008 (EUR 9.1 Billion Including Revaluation Reserve); - Decline in Revaluation Reserve of EUR 1.7 Billion in Q4, Driven by Widening in Credit Spreads - Underlying Loss Before tax of EUR 181 Million, due Mainly to Reserve Strengthening and Accelerated Amortization of Deferred Acquisition Costs in the US, and Lower Fees in General - Net Loss in Q4 of EUR 1.2 Billion, Including an Extraordinary tax Charge of EUR 300 Million - New Life Sales in Q4 2008 of EUR 598 Million; Total Gross Deposits of EUR 11.9 Billion; net Deposits of EUR 1.7 Billion - Value of new Business in Q4 of EUR 233 Million, With an Internal Rate of Return of 16.5% Statement Alex Wynaendts, CEO "The severe disruption in world financial markets significantly impacted AEGON's earnings during the fourth quarter of 2008.
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