
BANGOR, Maine, May 25, 2011 - - AsianBeauties Launches Thrilling Countdown to Hottest Season in Dating It's a time for reckless abandon, of char-grilled fish eaten at the water's edge, melon ice-cream melting over your chin, skinny-dipping and the smell of sun-tan lotion, coconut-based cocktails shared at twilight, and the squeak of fine white sand as you wander hand-in-hand down to the ocean.

BANGOR, Maine, April 18, 2011 - Many men from America and Europe are fascinated by Chinese women due to their natural beauty, traditional values and romantic ideals.

BANGOR, Maine, March 3, 2011 - As Western dotcom investors increase activity in the cash cow of online dating it is the Asian market that offers huge potential with consumers searching for love in leaps and bounds.

BANGOR, Maine - - Black Sea Yields Swell of Feminine Riches A boost to online dating and the world of beauty pageants was recently had in the virtual sphere.

BANGOR, Maine - - Anastasia International Loads Additional Arrow Into Cupid's Bow BANGOR, Maine, September 22 /PRNewswire/ -- As international barriers to romance dissolve thanks to an online garrison of global match makers, technology has advanced to bring loving couples together ever more quickly and intimately.
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