NOERRESUNDBY, Denmark, December 7, 2010 - RTX Telecom A/S announces availability of the RTX2300 Modular
Test Unit, a multipurpose solution to dramatically simplify and cost-reduce
the production test environment compared to traditional "rack and stack"
wireless test implementations.
NOERRESUNDBY, Denmark, February 4 - The interest in DECT ULP has been overwhelming since RTX and SiTel
announced it.
NOERRESUNDBY, Denmark - By combining considerable chip knowledge with excellent system domain knowledge, RTX and SiTel have created a new innovative Ultra Low Power (ULP) technology based on CAT-iq; this is the first step into completely new application areas for DECT/CAT-iq.
NOERRESUNDBY, Denmark - Get a head start with the new DECT/CAT-iq USB dongle and start adding more value to your Internet Gateway with cordless HD voice and advanced CAT-iq features.