Sony Ericsson

LONDON, February 15, 2011 - On Sunday, 13 February, Sony Ericsson created a new market in mobile handsets as it announced the launch of the first dedicated gaming mobile smartphone, the Xperia(TM) PLAY.

LONDON, December 16, 2010 - A recent poll on the Sony Ericsson Facebook ( page has revealed that mobile games and social media are the most popular form of smartphone application with the brand's fan base.

LONDON, December 15, 2010 - Sony Ericsson's newest phone in the Xperia(TM) range, the X8, is meeting the needs of those consumers who find many touchscreen smartphone ( handsets too big or too small and also not within their price range.

LONDON, December 13, 2010 - Sony Ericsson is offering fans an opportunity to participate in photosharing through a brand new Facebook contest ( located on its global Facebook page.

LONDON, December 2, 2010 - Sony Ericsson is giving fans the chance to win a new handset through Mini Magic, a competition located on its global Facebook page that was launched last week to celebrate the Xperia(TM) X10 mini being awarded European Mobile Phone of the Year 2010 - 2011.
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