Stiff Lower Back v. Stiff Upper Lip

By Accidents Direct, PRNE
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

LONDON, November 18 - Think personal injury and think No Win No Fee. Think No Win No
Fee and one's mind ventures to images of people falling from ladders or
slipping on a banana skin in an office lobby. A fundamental criticism of
claims management companies is that they engage in scare-mongering marketing
tactics to profit from a legitimate legal development, which was intended to
encourage Access to Justice. No Win No Fee companies are seen, in some
quarters, as pandering to an Americanised system of litigation - encouraging
an increasingly litigious society which contravenes quintessential British
values of suffering in silence and a stiff upper lip. Clearly this criticism
can't be ignored but it can be challenge.

Accidents Direct is among some fifteen hundred claims
management companies engaged in providing personal injury referrals.
Accidents Direct is a prominent claims management company which is concerned
with a more complicated marketing strategy. The key is to strike a balance
between providing prospective litigants with information regarding their
ability to pursue legitimate legal action, combined with the endeavour to
avoid encouraging a flagrant compensation culture.

Rebecca Young is the Director of Accidents Direct. Her opinion
of the criticism attached to claims management companies is described as
"fair in some circumstances but unfair in others." She continues "Accidents
Direct is an industry leading claims management company which is regulated by
the Ministry of Justice [MOJ]. Everything we do is monitored by the MOJ so
it's important that we adhere to all regulations and codes of conduct."

The problem is that a large number of companies are either
unregulated or fall short of adhering to the rules. It is also true that the
negative perception of the industry is a hangover from the failings of
earlier claims management companies such as The Accident Group, which went
into administration in 2003.

Rebecca Young comments, "Accidents Direct is a marketing
company within the field of personal injury. Due to our substantial
experience in the market we have developed a sophisticated marketing strategy
which enables Accidents Direct to help provide access to legal advice. At all
times we endeavour to avoid encouraging a blame culture. Our reputation is
such that Accidents Direct is a trusted name in the market, providing a
completely free No Win No Fee service. Accidents Direct helps people
understand the different avenues to litigation. I don't see anything wrong
with this. Why shouldn't people be able to access legal advice if they have a
legitimate reason to do so?"

Certain sectors of society will always see claims management
companies in a negative light. This is acknowledged by industry insiders
however these criticisms should not be used as a means to carpet bomb all
referral providers. The industry has developed since the introduction of the
Conditional Fee Agreement. Marketing tactics have become more sophisticated
and regulators have increasingly developed better methods to monitor the
activities of referrers. The combination of enhanced marketing strategies and
improved regulation has helped to strengthen the industry, improve client
satisfaction and ensure that people can seek the best possible advice.

Contact: Adam Stocker - +44(0)20-7856-2474

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