ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands, January 27, 2011 - Nimbuzz the only Over-The-Top (OTT) communications app for the
connected generation, today announced the launch of Nimbuzz Ping - a push
notification feature that allows feature phone users to appear online to
their friends and receive a free SMS alert when someone in their Nimbuzz
community wants to get in touch, even when Nimbuzz is closed.
ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, October 26, 2010 - Nimbuzz, the only truly open, universal communications platform, has been
asked by Skype to remove support for all Skype services, effective October 31st.
ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, October 13, 2010 - Nimbuzz, the only truly open, universal communications platform, has
announced that it has surpassed 3.65 billion mobile voice minutes in the last
year, and 150,000,000 downloads of its application since launch in May 2008.
ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, October 7, 2010 - Following its explosive growth after adding Arabic language support on
BlackBerry(R) and Symbian devices in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA),
Nimbuzz, the new-generation mobile service providing free and low-cost calls,
chat, messaging and more, announced today that it has added Arabic support
for Java devices.
- Nimbuzz Expands iPhone Dominance With new Mac Desktop Client and iPhone Update
Nimbuzz announced today the simultaneous launch of its new iPhone & iPod touch updates with a brand new desktop client for Apple Mac computers.