Unx Llc

NEW YORK, January 20, 2011 - -- Plug-in access to ICAM's global database of securities class actions, bankruptcies and government disgorgements can help traders limit exposure to risk UNX LLC (www.unx.com), a leading provider of innovative trading technology solutions, is partnering with International Class Actions Management (ICAM) to integrate ICAM's securities data and research services into the UNX Catalyst Execution Management System (EMS).

NEW YORK, November 18, 2010 - UNX LLC (www.unx.com), a leading provider of innovative trading technology solutions, now supports international electronic trading with UBS through the UNX Catalyst trading platform.

NEW YORK, September 29, 2010 - UNX LLC (www.unx.com), a leading provider of innovative trading technology solutions, has upgraded its Catalyst(R) Execution Management System (EMS), an open-architecture electronic trading solution.
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