Datong, Provider of Drug Decision Support Products in China, is Acquired by Elsevier
By Elsevier, PRNESunday, February 20, 2011
Datong Offers Drug Decision Support Software Developed for Chinese Hospitals to Improve Drug Usage Safety and Reduce Prescription Errors
SHANGHAI, February 21, 2011 - Elsevier (www.elsevier.com), the leading global publisher of
scientific, technical, and medical information products and services,
announced today the acquisition of Shanghai Datong Medical Information
Technology Co., Ltd. (www.da-tong.net), a leading drug decision
support provider in China. Datong's products enable Elsevier to enter the
emerging clinical decision support (CDS) market in China, helping Chinese
hospitals to improve their quality of care through better drug usage and
reduced prescription errors.
"For many years, Datong's products have contributed significantly to our
hospital's drug usage monitoring system," said Dr. Yin Yiqing, Head of Fudang
Zhongshan Hospital IT center, a leading hospital in China. "We are happy to
learn that Datong has joined Elsevier as we believe that together they can
develop more advanced products that benefit hospitals and patients."
Datong's flagship product "Clinical Drug Consultation and Safety
Monitoring System" is embedded in the hospital computerized physician order
system and provides drug based alerts and warnings at order entry as well as
drug reference information. Launched in early 2002, the product is used by
hospitals in 123 cities across 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipal
cities in China. Datong's new products "Utilization Analysis and Controls
System for Anti-Bacteria Agents" and "Prescription Review and Evaluation
Program" are unique tools which help hospitals comply with new drug usage
safety regulations.
"Healthcare reform in China has put increasing requirements on Chinese
hospitals and pharmacies to reduce drug related medical errors, and improve
the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of drug treatment," said Victor Lam,
Managing Director of Elsevier Health Sciences, Greater China & Korea region.
"Elsevier-Datong will endeavor to provide better products and services to
hospitals, users and health information system partners in the future."
After the acquisition, Elsevier will integrate its global advanced CDS
content and technology with Datong's locally-tailored products and services
to help Chinese hospitals and pharmacies to achieve reform objectives.
Datong's original CEO, Mr. Wen Chuanmin, will become the new chief
scientist of Elsevier Datong. Mr. Wen said of the acquisition, "We understand
our responsibility is as noble and important as physicians'. We will develop
more comprehensive information product and service to provide more efficient
methodologies for hospital and regulatory bodies to monitor of medical
Financial details of the acquisition are not being disclosed.
About Elsevier
Elsevier is a world-leading publisher of scientific, technical and
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which help research and health care institutions deliver better outcomes more
A global business headquartered in Amsterdam, Elsevier (
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Media Contact Tom Reller VP, Corporate Relations, Elsevier T.Reller@elsevier.com +1-215-239-3508
Tom Reller, VP, Corporate Relations, Elsevier, T.Reller at elsevier.com +1-215-239-3508
Tags: China, Elsevier, February 21, Shanghai