Dr. Nie Wentao from China has made an Academic Exchange on Diabetes in France

By Nie Wentao, PRNE
Sunday, September 18, 2011

PARIS, September 19, 2011 -

Now, the entire world is plagued by diabetes. Diabetes prevention measures in the past failed to stop the occurrence of diabetes. The epidemic is accelerating and increasing, while preventative measures continue to fail in curing diabetes. Europe has also failed to prevent this from happening. Dr. Nie Wentao from China has made an Academic Exchange on Diabetes in France for 5 days.

Dr. Nie’s theory and practice of diabetes has made worldwide impact. Dr. Nie’s influence is not only from his theory that has largely amended the existing theory of diabetes, but also from his treatment effects on diabetes. A very large variety of clinical phenomena recorded by Dr. Nie Wentao has great generality; such as that physical exercise can resist low blood sugar; that grains can relieve the special thirst in patients with diabetes; that the elevation of glucagon is common in patients with diabetes and so on. Dr. Nie’s diabetes lectures spread far and wide in the world. In Asia, America, and Europe, there are many people who support Dr. Nie Wentao.

This time, Dr. Nie Wentao met some well-known people from the scientific, industrial and financial sectors in the both Paris and Lyon. Many of them have seen Dr. Nie Wentao’s diabetes lectures. The visit has promoted the better understanding of China’s diabetes technology in Europe.


Shu Kele, +86-157-1741-1168, 574229209 at qq.com

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