Gammon Gold Announces Extension of High-Grade Gold Mineralization at Guadalupe y Calvo, Santa Eduviges Currently in Ore and Three New High Grade Underground Discoveries at Ocampo
By Gammon Gold Inc., PRNETuesday, June 29, 2010
HALIFAX, Canada, June 30, 2010 - Gammon Gold Inc. ("Gammon") (TSX:GAM and NYSE:GRS): Gammon is pleased to
announce that its aggressive 2010 drill program is well under way at Ocampo
and Guadalupe y Calvo. Drilling at Guadalupe y Calvo has identified a bonanza
grade intercept of 1.1 metres 63.39 grams per tonne gold equivalent using a
gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1. At Ocampo and Guadalupe y Calvo the Company has
completed 52,681 metres of the planned 75,800 metre 2010 program with new
high grade discoveries identified at the Santa Eduviges, Belen, San Amado,
Jesus Maria, Maria, Molinas Southwest, Rosario, and the southern extensions
of Aventurero targets.
"The Company's exploration program continues to deliver excellent
results at both Ocampo and Guadalupe y Calvo where numerous high-grade drill
intercepts have been identified at new discoveries during the past two
months. At Ocampo we have discovered a new area with multiple veins in the
Molinas SW target area, representing an entire new direction to plan future
development and mining. Work last year defined excellent potential to the
northeast in the San Amado district, and to the SE in the Aventurero and
Rosario parts of the district, and the addition of the Molinas SW target
shows that the underground mine is open to expansion now to the northwest."
stated Peter Drobeck, Senior Vice President of Exploration and Business
Development. He continued, "We are also pleased that upon re-initiation of
drilling at our Guadalupe y Calvo project, some of the first drill holes have
discovered bonanza grade mineralization that would be supportive of
underground mining."
"We are particularly pleased with our development progress at Santa
Eduviges and the recent surface drilling targeting the Santa Juliana vein
structures, where drilling has identified mineralization down to 200 metres,
and is still open at depth. Underground development on the Aventurero vein is
currently about 275 metres away from the intersection of Aventurero and Santa
Juliana.", stated Chris Bostwick, Senior Vice President of Technical
Services. He continued, "The Company has re-deployed over thirty pieces of
underground mining equipment, including scoop trams, trucks and jumbos from
El Cubo and we intend to utilize a portion of this equipment to extend
exploration drives for the purpose of advancing the various underground
exploration programs. The Company has now engaged Micon International to
produce a Preliminary Economic Assessment in the 4th quarter 2010".
Guadalupe y Calvo - Extension of High Grade Mineralization Identified
The 2010 drilling program at the Guadalupe y Calvo property, located in
southern Chihuahua State, was launched in April 2010 and has been focused on
extending the known mineralization northwest from the outcropping deposit
that was drilled in 2008. The northwest extension is covered by a sequence of
post-mineral tuffs typical of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Drilling to date
has extended known mineralization by approximately 140 metres further along
strike. To date, 6 core holes over 2,514 metres have been completed. Assays
received have been highly encouraging and includes a bonanza-grade intercept
at Hole GC-0185, with 1.1 metres grading 62.37 grams per tonne gold and 56
grams per tonne silver, or 63.39 grams per tonne gold equivalent using a
gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1 (see Table 1). This hole represents extensions
of previous drilling completed in 2008 including Hole GC-104, with 1.0 metre
grading 5.43 grams per tonne gold equivalent using a gold-to-silver ratio of
55:1, and Hole GC-135, with 1.0 metre grading 17.83 grams per tonne gold
equivalent using a gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1. The Company plans to
continue step out drilling on this discovery along strike under the post-
mineralization rocks. Results show that the Rosario vein continues under
cover and locally has high-grade mineralization that could potentially
support underground mining.
Ocampo - Exploration Update
Gammon continues to strategically invest in exploration in the Ocampo
district (see Diagram 1 -
To date the Company has completed 71%, or 50,167 metres of exploration and
definition drilling on the property. The drilling completed has been
comprised of 25,828 metres of underground drilling, 909 metres of in-pit
drilling and 23,430 metres in surface exploration drilling (see Tables 2 &
Ocampo Underground Exploration Update
To date, the Company has completed 111 drill holes for 25,828 metres of
underground drilling and 1,690 metres of new exploration drifting. The
Company presently has four drill rigs working in the underground. The
drilling has been focused on the southern Aventurero, Rosario, Maria and San
Amado veins in the main NE Underground Mine, and on the Santa Eduviges veins
under the open pits. Exploration drifting on the main 1611 level has been
focused on the San Amado and SE Aventurero target areas. Significant advances
were also made on the Jesus Maria 1820 level, within and below the Las
Molinas discovery made last year and the Santa Eduviges 1880 level.
An approximate 2,000 metre definition exploration drilling program was
begun at the end of April from one of the new drill stations in the 1611
level Aventurero exploration drift. Aventurero constitutes a large portion of
the inferred resources at the Ocampo underground and the opportunity exists
to convert significant inferred resources to proven and probable reserves as
underground development proceeds southward on the 1611 level to its
intersection with the Santa Juliana vein, approximately 275 metres away.
Grades encountered along the 1611 vein drive have been up to approximately 56
grams per tonne of gold equivalent using a gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1.
Drilling on the Rosario structure continued through May and was focused
on defining the lode above the existing 1611 level vein drive and testing
below the historic La Zorra mine. High grade intercepts have been encountered
in 8 of the 10 holes drilled to date. Four of the most significant intercepts
include (see Table 2);
- Hole OU-792, 0.6 metres of 38.90 grams per tonne gold, 1695 grams per tonne silver, or 69.72 grams per tonne gold equivalent using a gold- to-silver ratio of 55:1 - Hole OU-800, 1.5 metres of 3.55 grams per tonne gold, 352 grams per tonne silver, or 9.96 grams per tonne gold equivalent using a gold-to- silver ratio of 55:1 - Hole OU-801, 0.8 metres of 11.35 grams per tonne gold, 621 grams per tonne silver, or 22.64 grams per tonne gold equivalent using a gold- to-silver ratio of 55:1 - Hole OU-803, 1.2 metres of 13.81 grams per tonne gold, 740 grams per tonne silver, or 27.26 grams per tonne gold equivalent using a gold- to-silver ratio of 55:1
Santa Eduviges
Drilling in the Santa Eduviges mine resumed in May with a planned 2,000
metre program designed to follow up on high grade intercepts along the
possible extension of the Veta Libre structure, as well as to extend the
current development on Vein 1. Previously disclosed intercepts at Veta Libre
results included Hole OU-743 with 5.9 metres at 5.81 grams per tonne gold and
80 grams per tonne of silver or 7.26 grams per tonne of gold equivalent using
a gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1 and Hole OU-739 with 3.9 metres at 7.13 grams
per tonne of gold and 100 grams per tonne of silver or 8.94 grams per tonne
of gold equivalent at a gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1 and Hole OU-741 with 1.0
metre at 14.25 grams per tonne of gold and 148 grams per tonne of silver, or
16.94 grams per tonne of gold equivalent at a gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1.
The Santa Eduviges development decision was based on the Vein 1 mine
plan and did not include assay results of Hole OU-743 that included 4.7
metres at 35.12 grams per tonne of gold and 383 grams per tonnes of silver or
42.09 grams per tonne gold equivalent using a gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1,
as they were not available at the time of the mine design. This intercept
extends the likely economic limits of the lower portion of Vein 1 by
approximately 32 metres downward and 56 metres along strike. The first hole
in the present program tested beneath both intercepts of OU-743 along the
same azimuth and assay results are pending.
Since March 2010, 775 metres of mine development has been completed at
Santa Eduviges, with the access ramp being deepened and development
proceeding through ore on Vein 1. By the end of 2010, ore production is
expected to reach a nominal rate of 250 tonnes per day that will increase to
500 tonnes per day in 2011.
Ocampo Surface Exploration
The Company has continued an aggressive surface exploration program at
Ocampo that includes a staff of 12 surface geologists working on combined
target generation, drilling supervision and logging. To date the Company has
completed 101 core holes for 23,430 metres in surface drilling at Ocampo, or
69% of the 35,500 metre 2010 plan. The Company presently has five surface
drill rigs on site and plans to continue to drill aggressively to identify
new resources and expanding existing reserves. One of the drill rigs is being
moved into the Picacho - Candelaria target to follow up on previously-
released results from Hole OG-886 which cut 5.8 metres grading 9.01 grams per
tonne gold and 309 grams per tonne silver, or 14.63 grams per tonne gold
equivalent using a gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1 and is located 30 metres
below the planned bottom of the Picacho Pit.
At Ocampo, surface drilling in the past two months has discovered
additional high-grade mineralization in the Santa Juliana Vein, which is
currently being drilled off to 25 x 25 metre centers for reserve estimation.
In addition, the program has made a new discovery of high-grade
mineralization in an unnamed vein 200 metres east of the Santa Juliana Vein.
Drilling has also discovered numerous high-grade occurrences in the Molinas
SW area, which is located just west of the mill and has discovered new
mineralization 170 metres west of previously discovered mineralization.
Santa Juliana
The Santa Juliana Vein was mined extensively in the past and was known
as one of the highest-grade veins in the district. This northeast-striking
vein is sub-parallel to the San Juan Vein in the Company's active NE
Underground Mine where 22 drill holes have been completed for 5,551 metres of
drilling to date. Assay results have been received for 16 of these holes with
nine holes demonstrating grades within the Santa Juliana Vein that are in
excess of present underground cut-off grades. To date, the best result has
been Hole OG-969 with 3.3 metres grading 11.47 grams per tonne gold and 1,225
grams per tonne silver, or 33.75 grams per tonne gold equivalent using a
gold-to-silver cutoff grade of 55:1. (see Table 3)
The drilling has defined two mineralized shoots with approximate
dimensions of 200 metres vertical (from 1,675 to 1,470 metres elevation) and
both with 70 metres of strike length that are open to expansion at depth.
Underground workings on the 1611 level area have advanced to within 275
metres of the main Santa Juliana vein. The drilling has also discovered a new
unnamed zone of mineralization 200 metres east of Santa Juliana that strikes
north-south parallel to the Belen-San Jose vein system further west. The
first hole, Hole OG-981, reported 1.1 metres grading 7.98 grams per tonne
gold and 1,490 grams per tonne silver, or 35.07 grams per tonne gold
equivalent using a gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1. This is a virgin discovery
that is open to expansion in all directions.
Las Molinas SW
The Company announced the new discovery of significant mineralization on
this target previously and continued drilling has discovered numerous
high-grade and anomalous intercepts. This target area lies immediately west
of the Ocampo mill facility and the drill intercepts to date fall mostly
within the 1,700 to 1,850 metre elevations, well above the major levels of
the mine at 1,547 metre, 1,611 metre and 1,675 metre elevations, but only 160
metres from the existing infrastructure on the 1,740 metre level. The
highest-elevation, high-grade intercept has been in Hole OG-952 with 1.4
metres grading 10.22 grams per tonne gold and 82 grams per tonne silver, or
11.72 grams per tonne gold equivalent using a gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1,
at an elevation of 1,848 metres. As many of the veins in the NE Underground
mine are productive down to the 1,500 metre elevation, intercepts such as
these suggest the potential for more than 300 metre vertical interval of
mineralization that might be mined from nearby underground infrastructure.
Santa Librada Target Drilling
A drilling program was launched at the Santa Librada discovery target in
the latter part of 2009. As a result of mapping and a review for potential
target geometry, a subsequent drilling program was re-initiated in late April
of 2010. The Company has completed 13 new drill holes for 2,855 metres in
2010 and to date, has received results for 12 holes. Anomalous results were
received in eight of these drill holes with the best result to date being
Hole OG-975 with 12.1 metres grading 1.53 grams per tonne gold and 89 grams
per tonne silver, or 3.16 grams per tonne gold equivalent using a gold-to-
silver ratio of 55:1, located approximately 130 metres west and along strike
of the previously-announced discovery. In addition, hole OG-971 had 9.1
metres at 1.56 grams per tonne gold equivalent and hole OG-976 cut 1.4 metres
at 4.41 grams per tonne gold equivalent. In addition Gammon has drilled a
second, mineralized stockwork zone at Santa Librada. This zone has 170 metres
of known strike extent and is open at depth. Drilled widths up to 8 metres
thick were intersected. The drilling cut only the top of the mineralized
system, which is not exposed on the surface and has no known underground
workings. The Company is planning follow-up work on this potential open pit
deposit as soon as all results are received.
Growing Portfolio of Properties
While the Company continues to dedicate most of its exploration
resources to its established projects at Ocampo and Guadalupe y Calvo, the
Company's portfolio of properties has been significantly enhanced through the
addition of three new prospective exploration properties in Mexico. The
Company has expanded its land position in the Ocampo - Pinos Altos area by
390% to 59,973 hectares through separate option agreements to acquire the
Venus and Los Jarros properties located directly north and east of the Ocampo
and Pinos Altos properties. The Company also recently announced the
completion of an option agreement to acquire the Mezquite Project in
Zacatecas, Mexico.
Mezquite Project Exploration Update
The Mezquite Project, in Zacatecas State, covers 460 hectares and is
located 45 kilometres southeast of Goldcorp's Penasquito property and 22
kilometres northeast of Camino Rojo, which was recently acquired by Goldcorp.
The property lies on a 70 kilometre belt with over 27.4 million ounces of
gold and 1,611 million ounces of silver, or approximately 57 million gold
equivalent ounces at a gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1, in published reserves
and resources in all categories.
During the past two months the company has completed a ground magnetic
survey and a dipole-dipole induced polarization (IP) survey at the Mezquite
Project in Zacatecas. The results, interpreted in 3 dimensions, show a
distinct magnetic body near the center of the claim, with a halo of high IP
chargeability response partly within as well as outside the magnetic body.
The target, as presently conceived, is approximately 500 metres in diameter.
Drill permits are under application for this project and the Company plans to
initiate drilling in the third quarter.
Venus Project
On May 6, 2010 the Company announced that it entered into an option
agreement for a 4,491 hectare block of claims north of the Ocampo Mine known
as the Venus property, from Mexicana de Cobre, S.A. de C.V. (an operating
subsidiary of Grupo Mexico, S.A. de C.V. ). This option agreement
significantly increased Gammon's land position in the prolific Ocampo and
Pinos Altos belts, and could also host extensions of the Pinos Altos trend.
Field mapping and sampling identified several targets for immediate follow
up. A field program is currently underway to delineate targets for upcoming
drilling. (see Diagram 2 -
Los Jarros Project
On June 18, 2010 the Company announced that it had executed a binding
Letter of Intent that will give Gammon the option to acquire the 43,229
hectare block of mineral concessions called the "Los Jarros" Properties from
Valdez Gold Inc. The claims are contiguous to the Ocampo land package on the
north and east, surround the Pinos Altos properties of Agnico-Eagle Mines
Ltd., and cover regional structural extensions of the Concheno properties of
Frisco Mining. Past work by Valdez Gold Inc. has identified a high-
sulfidation epithermal gold prospect in the southern portion of the
properties as well, between the Candamena gold-silver district, and the
Orisyvo project of Fresnillo PLC (see Diagram 2:
Note: The Ocampo surface exploration information has been reviewed by Qualified Person, Mr. Peter Drobeck. All sample analyses for Ocampo were performed by Chemex Laboratories, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, or in the Ocampo mine lab, using standard fire assay procedures. True widths have not been calculated. Note: The Ocampo underground exploration information has been reviewed by Qualified Person, Mr. Ian Hardesty. All sample analyses for Ocampo were performed by Chemex Laboratories, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, or in the Ocampo mine lab, using standard fire assay procedures. True widths have not been calculated. Note: The Guadalupe y Calvo exploration information has been reviewed by Qualified Person, Mr. Peter Drobeck. All sample analyses for Guadalupe y Calvo were performed by SGS Laboratories, based in Mississauga, Ontario, using standard fire assay procedures (and with ICP finish for samples completed at SGS). True widths have not been calculated.
This press release sets out the gold and silver grades found in the
samples taken from various targets. Not all of these targets have been
categorized as a mineral resource deposit under applicable Canadian mineral
resource reporting standards, and it is uncertain if further exploration will
result in these targets being delineated as mineral resources. The grades
encountered so far should not be taken as representative of the
mineralization in question as there has been insufficient exploration to
define a mineral resource, and such grades may not prove representative of
the deposits if and when the same are delineated as mineral resources. Gold
equivalent grades as stated assume a metallurgical recovery of 100%.
About Gammon Gold
Gammon Gold Inc. is a mid-tier gold and silver producer with properties
in Mexico. The Company's flagship Ocampo Project in Chihuahua State achieved
commercial production in January 2007. Gammon Gold also has the promising
Guadalupe y Calvo development property in Chihuahua State. The Company
recently completed option purchase agreements to acquire the Mezquite Project
in Zacatecas State, Mexico, and the Venus Project located north of the Ocampo
mine in Chihuahua State, Mexico. It also has recently signed a Letter of
Intent to acquire the Los Jarros Project in Chihuahua State, Mexico. The
Company is based in Halifax, Nova Scotia with an Executive Office in Toronto,
Cautionary Statement
Cautionary Note to US Investors - The United States Securities and
Exchange Commission permits US mining companies, in their filings with the
SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can economically
and legally extract or produce. This press release uses certain terms, such
as "measured," "indicated," and "inferred" "resources," that the SEC
guidelines strictly prohibit US registered companies from including in their
filings with the SEC. US Investors are urged to consider closely the
disclosure in Gammon Gold's Annual Report on Form 40-F/A, which may be
secured from Gammon Gold, or from the SEC's website at
No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority
has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.
Certain statements included herein, including information as to the
future financial or operating performance of the Company, its subsidiaries
and its projects, constitute forward-looking statements. The words "believe",
"expect", "anticipate", "contemplate", "target", "plan", "intends",
"continue", "budget", "estimate", "forecast", "may", "will", "schedule" and
similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking
statements include, among other things, statements regarding its financial
exposure to litigation, targets, estimates and assumptions in respect of gold
and silver production and prices,, operating costs, results and capital
expenditures, mineral reserves and mineral resources and anticipated grades,
recovery rates, future financial or operating performance, margins, operating
and exploration expenditures, costs and timing of completion of the Ocampo
expansion program and improvements to the heap leach pad, costs and timing of
the development and commencement of production of new deposits, costs and
timing of construction, costs and timing of future exploration and
reclamation expenses including, anticipated 2010 results, operating
performance projections for 2009 and 2010, our ability to fully fund our
business model internally, 2010 gold and silver production and the cash and
operating costs associated therewith, the ability to achieve productivity and
operational efficiencies, the ability to access grid power at Ocampo, further
reduction in the open pit stripping ratio and the timing of each thereof.
Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of
estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by the Company,
are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive,
political and social uncertainties and contingencies. Many factors could
cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those expressed
or implied in any forward-looking statements made by, or on behalf of, the
Company. Such factors include, among others, known and unknown uncertainties
and risks relating to additional funding requirements, reserve and resource
estimates, commodity prices, hedging activities, exploration, development and
operating risks, illegal miners, political and foreign risk, uninsurable
risks, competition, limited mining operations, production risks,
environmental regulation and liability, government regulation, currency
fluctuations, recent losses and write-downs, restrictions in the Company's
loan facility, dependence on key employees, possible variations of ore grade
or recovery rates, failure of plant, equipment or process to operate as
anticipated, accidents and labour disputes. Investors are cautioned that
forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and,
accordingly, investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-
looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table 1: Guadalupe y Calvo Drill Results ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Eq. Hole From To Length Gold Silver (55) Target (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) GC-0182 166.4 167.7 1.3 0.14 10 0.32 Rosario GC-0182 170.1 176.0 5.9 0.52 26 0.99 Rosario GC-0182 172.0 176.0 4.0 0.64 32 1.22 Rosario GC-0182 186.0 189.0 3.0 0.13 9 0.30 Rosario GC-0182 195.1 198.0 2.9 0.37 7 0.49 Rosario GC-0182 224.0 227.0 3.0 0.20 10 0.38 Rosario GC-0183 167.8 179.5 11.8 0.31 18 0.69 Rosario Including 173.7 175.1 1.4 1.43 57 2.46 Rosario GC-0183 181.1 183.7 2.6 0.21 11 0.42 Rosario GC-0183 184.8 187.0 2.2 0.35 20 0.71 Rosario Including 185.9 187.0 1.1 0.51 32 1.09 Rosario GC-0183 189.8 191.3 1.5 0.95 1 0.97 Rosario GC-0183 207.4 215.4 8.0 1.85 34 2.47 Rosario Including 214.4 215.4 1.0 11.45 21 11.83 Rosario GC-0183 259.6 261.8 2.2 0.59 7 0.72 Rosario GC-0185 386.6 387.7 1.1 62.37 56 63.39 Rosario GC-0185 387.7 398.8 11.1 0.21 20 0.58 Rosario GC-0185 401.8 403.3 1.5 0.10 12 0.32 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: The Guadalupe y Calvo exploration information has been reviewed by Qualified Person, Mr. Peter Drobeck. All sample analyses for Guadalupe y Calvo were performed by SGS Laboratories, based in Mississauga, Ontario, using standard fire assay procedures (and with ICP finish for samples completed at SGS). True widths have not been calculated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 2: Ocampo Underground Drill Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Hole From To Length Gold Silver Eq.(55) Target (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-739 63.1 67.0 3.9 7.13 100 8.94 Santa Eduviges ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-739 197.0 198.2 1.2 4.47 65 5.65 Santa Eduviges ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-741 64.5 65.5 1.0 14.25 148 16.94 Santa Eduviges ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-741 201.7 202.2 0.5 1.15 59 2.22 Santa Eduviges ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-742 189.8 190.3 0.5 1.71 91 3.36 Santa Eduviges ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-742 193.5 194.7 1.2 3.63 4 3.69 Santa Eduviges ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-743 78.6 84.5 5.9 5.81 80 7.26 Santa Eduviges ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-743 198.5 203.2 4.7 35.12 383 42.09 Santa Eduviges ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-744 135.2 142.8 7.7 1.01 108 2.97 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-746 64.0 67.0 3.0 1.47 107 3.41 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-746 125.3 125.9 0.6 2.41 158 5.28 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-747 147.9 150.3 2.5 6.22 444 14.29 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-748 171.7 173.9 2.2 0.44 142 3.01 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-750 53.4 57.0 3.6 2.39 243 6.80 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-750 155.9 158.0 2.2 3.54 404 10.89 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-751 49.0 50.0 1.0 3.61 26 4.08 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-755 101.0 102.2 1.3 2.86 51 3.79 Esperanza ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-764 80.2 86.40 6.2 3.03 162 5.97 San Amado ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-765 92.45 94.40 2.0 6.68 727 19.89 San Amado ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-766 73.00 74.00 1.0 1.25 68 2.49 San Amado ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-766 80.40 80.90 0.5 2.18 130 4.54 San Amado ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-767 78.60 79.40 0.8 5.06 144 7.68 San Amado ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-767 100.50 101.25 0.8 1.10 82 2.59 San Amado ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-768 77.00 82.90 5.9 2.60 160 5.51 San Amado ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-773 138.40 139.20 0.8 2.94 471 11.50 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-773 145.85 146.60 0.8 4.67 57 5.70 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-775 130.10 133.70 3.6 1.51 96 3.26 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU-776 45.00 45.90 0.9 1.12 94 2.82 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OU--776 183.40 186.55 3.2 1.75 156 4.59 Belen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-780 108.50 109.10 0.6 2.71 244 7.15 San Amado ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-782 92.80 94.40 1.6 5.04 233 9.28 San Amado ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-782 98.45 99.45 1.0 1.20 66 2.40 San Amado ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-782 102.60 103.10 0.5 4.16 321 10.00 San Amado ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-785 90.80 91.30 0.5 0.75 16 1.04 San Amado ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-790 198.00 198.50 0.5 2.97 256 7.62 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-790 205.50 207.00 1.5 0.54 94 2.25 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-791 162.00 163.00 1.0 0.69 65 1.86 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-792 180.80 181.55 0.8 1.25 50 2.17 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-792 189.65 190.15 0.5 1.72 71 3.00 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-792 198.05 198.65 0.6 38.90 1695 69.72 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-792 236.05 237.50 1.4 1.66 102 3.51 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-793 171.00 174.20 3.2 1.82 104 3.72 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-796 185.25 186.40 1.2 1.79 46 2.63 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-796 187.85 188.35 0.5 1.51 77 2.90 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-796 193.60 194.10 0.5 5.73 155 8.55 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-796 201.80 202.80 1.0 3.00 17 3.31 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-799 158.70 160.25 1.6 2.47 64 3.63 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-800 225.00 226.50 1.5 3.55 352 9.96 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-801 210.25 211.00 0.8 11.35 621 22.64 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-803 182.60 183.80 1.2 13.81 740 27.26 Rosario ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-810 181.82 183.82 2.0 0.86 107 2.80 Aventurero ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-811 175.89 176.95 1.1 1.78 65 2.95 Aventurero ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OU-813 169.3 170.85 1.55 0.41 39 1.13 Aventurero ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x) Indicates previously released drill results Note: The Ocampo underground exploration information has been reviewed by Qualified Person, Mr. Ian Hardesty. All sample analyses for Ocampo were performed by Chemex Laboratories, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, or in the Ocampo mine lab, using standard fire assay procedures. True widths have not been calculated.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 3: Ocampo Surface Drill Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Hole From To Length Gold Silver Eq.(55) Target (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-901 64.5 65.7 1.2 1.07 4 1.13 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-901 69.1 70.4 1.3 0.55 2 0.59 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-904 31.5 34.5 3.0 4.25 153 7.04 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-904 35.5 36.8 1.3 1.10 1 1.12 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-904 87.5 88.0 0.5 9.24 426 16.99 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-908 29.7 33.4 3.7 0.55 5 0.64 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-908 53.0 54.0 1.0 2.85 52 3.80 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-908 139.2 141.4 2.3 0.55 1 0.58 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-910 36.0 43.8 7.8 1.95 43 2.74 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-910 163.5 179.0 15.5 0.30 7 0.43 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-926 117.0 118.5 1.5 4.89 608 15.94 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-926 118.5 120.2 1.8 0.14 19 0.49 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-928 106.6 111.7 5.1 0.85 97 2.60 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-931 174.0 175.1 1.1 0.97 161 3.90 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-934 167.7 172.0 4.3 0.20 41 0.95 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-934 174.0 176.4 2.3 0.87 139 3.41 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-938 38.0 40.0 2.0 0.70 114 2.76 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x)OG-938 42.0 43.6 1.6 0.12 27 0.61 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-940 49.4 49.9 0.5 0.64 2 0.68 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-952 35.7 37.0 1.4 10.22 82 11.72 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-952 70.2 70.8 0.5 33.80 323 39.67 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-952 97.6 98.2 0.6 2.37 0 2.37 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-953 253.2 254.2 1.0 0.54 40 1.27 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-955 56.8 57.2 0.5 0.55 25 1.00 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-955 110.5 111.6 1.1 1.01 8 1.15 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-955 133.4 135.9 2.6 0.68 10 0.87 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-956 36.7 40.7 4.0 0.70 4 0.76 Santa Librada ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-957 57.4 59.1 1.7 12.79 42 13.55 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-958 320.5 322.2 1.7 1.10 114 3.18 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-959 63.3 64.2 0.9 2.54 181 5.83 Santa Librada ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-960 137.3 137.7 0.4 6.34 32 6.92 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-962 31.9 33.9 2.0 0.72 3 0.77 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-962 67.8 69.3 1.5 1.95 14 2.20 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-963 80.8 82.7 2.0 0.60 8 0.75 Santa Librada ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-964 163.9 164.4 0.5 0.87 6 0.98 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-964 168.9 169.4 0.5 0.49 36 1.14 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-965 13.3 13.8 0.5 0.70 18 1.03 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-965 65.3 65.8 0.5 0.69 10 0.87 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-966 13.3 13.8 0.5 0.70 18 1.03 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-966 65.3 65.8 0.5 0.69 10 0.87 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-967 106.8 107.3 0.5 0.68 2 0.71 Santa Librada ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-968 69.7 74.2 4.6 0.32 2 0.35 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-968 78.3 80.0 1.7 1.07 8 1.22 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-968 106.5 107.1 0.5 0.59 1 0.61 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-969 246.6 249.9 3.3 11.47 1225 33.75 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-969 253.6 259.0 5.4 0.52 58 1.57 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-970 67.4 67.9 0.5 1.21 52 2.16 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-970 96.3 99.8 3.5 0.41 4 0.49 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-970 102.9 104.9 2.0 2.76 0 2.76 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-970 112.6 115.1 2.5 0.58 13 0.81 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-970 127.6 128.4 0.8 0.47 31 1.03 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-971 72.8 81.9 9.1 0.96 33 1.56 Santa Librada ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-972 35.8 38.4 2.6 0.45 5 0.54 AVENTURERO ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-972 43.0 46.1 3.2 0.79 22 1.19 AVENTURERO ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-972 150.1 150.6 0.5 11.55 449 19.71 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-973 66.3 72.4 6.1 0.31 9 0.47 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-973 81.3 83.1 1.8 0.85 3 0.90 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-973 97.8 106.0 8.2 0.56 3 0.60 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-974 42.5 45.8 3.3 0.45 9 0.61 AVENTURERO ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-975 91.0 103.1 12.1 1.53 89 3.16 Santa Librada ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-976 142.5 143.9 1.4 4.28 7 4.41 Santa Librada ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-978 281.9 284.9 3.0 1.26 201 4.91 Sta Juliana ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-981 96.8 97.8 1.1 7.98 1490 35.07 Sta Juliana Alto ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-982 74.4 75.7 1.3 0.25 62 1.38 Santa Librada ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-984 41.9 49.2 7.3 0.59 57 1.63 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-986 74.1 74.6 0.5 0.74 0 0.74 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-986 79.7 80.4 0.7 0.90 0 0.90 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-986 80.4 82.0 1.6 5.23 58 6.30 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OG-986 82.0 86.3 4.3 0.73 13 0.97 Molinas SW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (x) Indicates previously released drill results ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The Ocampo surface exploration information has been reviewed by Qualified Person, Mr. Peter Drobeck. All sample analyses for Ocampo were performed by Chemex Laboratories, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, or in the Ocampo mine lab, using standard fire assay procedures. True widths have not been calculated.
For further information: visit the Gammon gold website at or contact: Peter Drobeck, Sr. VP Exploration & Business Development, Gammon Gold Inc., 416-646-3825; Anne Day, Director of Investor Relations, Gammon Gold Inc., 902-468-0614
For further information: visit the Gammon gold website at or contact: Peter Drobeck, Sr. VP Exploration & Business Development, Gammon Gold Inc., 416-646-3825; Anne Day, Director of Investor Relations, Gammon Gold Inc., 902-468-0614
Tags: canada, Gammon Gold Inc., Halifax, June 30