Gammon Gold Provides Update on Exploration Program

By Gammon Gold Inc., PRNE
Monday, March 29, 2010

Multiple New Discoveries at Ocampo and El Cubo Mines

HALIFAX, Canada, March 30, 2010 - Gammon Gold Inc. ("Gammon") (TSX:GAM and NYSE:GRS): Gammon is pleased
to provide an update on its exploration activities. Gammon also announces
that its ongoing exploration programs at Ocampo and El Cubo have been
successful in delineating two new gold-silver deposits at Ocampo
(Las Molinas and Santa Eduviges); the discovery of five new significant
target areas at Ocampo with commercial-grade mineralization; ore-grade
mineralization at two target areas at El Cubo and plans to resume
drilling at the Guadalupe y Calvo project in the coming months.

"The past months have been an exciting time for Gammon's accelerated
exploration program on all fronts" commented Peter Drobeck, Sr. V.P.
Exploration & Business Development. He continued. "We currently have eleven
drill rigs working at Ocampo and El Cubo with plans to test at least 12
exploration targets at Ocampo and 10 at El Cubo. We will be adding one drill
rig at each of Ocampo and El Cubo in the second quarter, so that with the
resumption of drilling at the Guadalupe y Calvo project in April and planned
drilling at our new Mezquite Project in Zacatecas, we expect to have 15 drill
rigs working in Mexico during the second quarter. Our board-approved budgets
for 2010 include 139 kilometres of core drilling for the year, clearly a very
aggressive drill program."


    During 2009, the Company drilled 166 reverse circulation holes totaling
    31,028 metres, and 442 diamond drill holes totaling 84,465 metres, for a
    total of 608 holes and 115,493 metres for the year at Ocampo.

                         2009 Ocampo Drilling Program
    Area                                                     Drilled Metres
    In-Mine Underground Drilling                                     42,674
    In-Mine Surface Drilling                                         43,018
    Non-Mine New Target Drilling                                     29,800
     Total Metres                                                    115,492

The Company will continue with an aggressive drilling program for 2010.
The 2010 drilling program provides for 30,000 metres of underground core
drilling, 2,885 metres of underground exploration drifting, 4,800 metres of
in-pit delineation drilling and 35,500 metres of surface discovery drilling.
As of the end of February 2010, the Company's non-mine surface program had
completed 37 surface holes for 8,850 metres as part of the surface discovery
program. To date, the exploration program has resulted in the discovery and
delineation of the Las Molinas and Santa Eduviges deposits at Ocampo as well
as numerous new discoveries for follow up drilling.

                     2010 Planned Ocampo Drilling Program
    Area                                                      Planned Metres
    Underground Drilling                                              30,000
    Surface Drilling                                                   4,800
    New Target Drilling                                               35,500
    Total Metres                                                      70,300

    Ocampo Underground

Underground drilling at Ocampo in the past five months has focused on
three targets, the Belen and Jesus Maria veins, and the Santa Eduviges clavo.
Significant intercepts in terms of grade and/or width have been intersected
at Belen. Favourable results have also been received from the Jesus Maria
program that are highlighted in Table 2. At Santa Eduviges over 13,000
metres of drilling has been advanced since the program began in the second
half of 2009. A resource model is currently being assembled for Santa
and development options are being evaluated.

Two exploration drifts are being driven to establish drilling platforms
to the northeast and southeast of the main underground complex. The northeast
drive will target the San Amado vein and allow the mine to follow-up at
depth on promising surface drilling undertaken in 2008 and 2009. The
southeast drive will follow the Aventurero vein on the 1611 elevation and
will open-up drilling platforms to target Santa Juliana, Resurreccion and
Aventurero. In addition, infill drilling will follow the Santa Eduviges ramp
down as it is being driven over the next three quarters.

The Company's drilling program at Ocampo in 2009 and early 2010 have
already identified potentially commercial grades and configurations of
mineralization at the Las Molinas and Santa Eduviges targets and the Company
has drilled four other significant discoveries at Ocampo, including:

Santa Librada


The Santa Librada target is located approximately one kilometre south of
the open pit mines and consists of a major northwest-striking shear zone as
well as subsidiary west-northwest-striking veining parallel to the PGR trend
further north. The target was defined by basic fieldwork in 2009 and the
Company drilled an initial test of 9 holes in late 2009. The main
northwest-striking fault appears to have over 200 metres of vertical
displacement and the mineralized fault zone has well-developed shearing and
brecciation. Of the nine holes drilled, five showed anomalous gold and two
showed potential long zones of sheeted veining similar to the ores in the
open pits. The best hole, OG-835 had a 23.0 metre wide intercept grading
0.74 grams per tonne gold and 46 grams per tonne silver, or 1.58 grams per
tonne gold equivalent at a gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1. Follow-up fieldwork
on this target shows it to have an alteration and mineralization style
similar to the Plaza de Gallos open pit. The Company plans to follow-up this
discovery with an additional 3,000 metre of drilling in the second quarter
of 2010, and further drilling if this work is positive.

Los Monos


The Los Monos vein structure was first recognized in mid-2009 as a 1,600
metre long vein system that had not been previously explored. The Los Monos
vein locally has areas with 20 metre widths of quartz veining and
stockworking as well as long sections of the vein that are typical of veins
mined underground elsewhere in the district. In early 2010, the Company
drilled seven core holes on this target and cut strongly mineralized values
in three of these holes. Key intercepts were:

    - OG-876 with 3.3 metres grading 4.53 grams per tonne gold and 9 grams
      per tonne silver, or 4.70 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a
      gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1;
    - OG-881 with 0.7 metres grading 2.62 grams per tonne gold and 4 grams
      per tonne silver, or 2.69 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a
      gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1; and
    - OG-884 with 1.9 metres grading 1.95 grams per tonne gold and 116 grams
      per tonne silver, or 4.06 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a
      gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1.

Based on these initial positive results the Company plans to complete
further drilling here later in the year.

Picacho SE / Picacho Deeps


The Company has continued to drill mineralization east of and below the
Picacho open pit. Drill intercepts discovered to date indicate potential
mineralization for open-pit or underground mining. Most recently two drill
holes intersected high grades in holes aimed at underground targets below
the planned open pit:

    - OG-886 with 5.8 metres grading 9.01 grams per tonne gold and 309 grams
      per tonne silver, or 14.63 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a gold-
      to-silver ratio of 55:1; and
    - OG-890 with 3.7 metres grading 13.04 grams per tonne gold and 11 grams
      per tonne silver, or 13.25 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a gold-
      to-silver ratio of 55:1

San Amado


In Q4 2009, the Company began in-fill drilling at the San Amado target.
This drilling is focused on several ore-grade drill holes that were completed
earlier in 2009. The closely-spaced drilling shows that there is a low-grade
zone between the near-surface (where some high-grades were cut in the past)
and the 1600 metre level (where some exceptionally high grades were cut in
2008). The drilling also shows that this complex system of veins, cut by
post-mineral faults, transitions from low-sulfide banded quartz veins near
surface, to high-sulfide veining at depth with very high grades. In 2010, the
Company will explore this deeper zone via underground drifting and drilling.

Cerro Colorado


The Cerro Colorado zone is located in the northern portion of the Ocampo
property and has been mapped and sampled in greater detail over the past 3
months. The work has provided encouragement that there may be a blind mineral
system below a large silica cap. The target is of comparable size as the main
Ocampo underground mine.

"We are encouraged that the first year of substantial exploration at
Ocampo in several years has delineated two new potentially commercial
deposits at Las Molinas and Santa Eduviges. We are presently working on
modeling the deposits and our engineering team is presently evaluating
potential mining methods for both of the new deposits. The aggressive 2010
drilling program has an excellent potential for improving on the positive
results we achieved in 2009." stated Mr. Drobeck.


In late 2009, the Company launched a strategic exploration program at
the El Cubo mine after more than a decade of relative inactivity. The
program initially identified 16 new exploration drill targets that total
over 15 kilometres of cumulative lineal strike length. Subsequent work has
prioritized these targets for the 44,000 metre drilling program. To date,
the Company has completed 17,028 metres of drilling with three drills and
plans to add another drill in the second quarter of 2010.

Dolores - Capulin Target


The exploration program at El Cubo has already discovered two new
mineralized occurrences at Dolores-Capulin and Puertocito. The drilling on
the Dolores-Capulin target tested the intersection of an
east-northeast-striking mineralized fault zone with the
north-northwest-striking Dolores Vein (one of the historic producing veins
of the district), but south of all past production and exploration. The
drill results from 25 core holes drilled on the Dolores portion to date
discovered an altered structure up to 30 metres thick within which
mineralization occurs both as traditional simple veins, as well as wide
zones of sheeted and stringer veining. Some of the more encouraging
intercepts in this drilling include:

    - C-478 with 9.1 metres grading 1.74 grams per tonne gold and 172 grams
      per tonne silver, or 4.88 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a
      gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1, from 106.6 metres
    - C-479 with 15.8 metres grading 0.36 grams per tonne gold and 42 grams
      per tonne silver, or 1.13 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a
      gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1, from 152.0 metres
    - C-479 with 0.7 metres grading 0.80 grams per tonne gold and 233 grams
      per tonne silver, or 5.04 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a
      gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1 from 171.9 metres
    - C-494 with 1.2 metres grading 1.17 grams per tonne gold and 209 grams
      per tonne silver, or 4.97 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a
      gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1, from 197.9 metres

Drilling on the east-northeast-striking Capulin Fault zone discovered
thick zones of mixed sheeted quartz veining and argillic altered volcanic
rocks. The better values appear to occur at the intersection of the Dolores
structure with the Capulin Fault zone:

    - C-481 with 29.8 metres grading 1.07 grams per tonne gold and 106 grams
      per tonne silver, or 3.00 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a gold-to-
      silver ratio of 55:1, from 157.0 metres
    - C-482 with 20.3 metres grading 1.03 grams per tonne gold and 51 grams
      per tonne silver, or 1.96 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a gold-to-
      silver ratio of 55:1, from 117.9 metres
    - C-483 with 3.1 metres grading 2.77 grams per tonne gold and 291 grams
      per tonne silver, or 8.06 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a gold-to-
      silver ratio of 55:1, from 132.7 metres
    - C-485 with 1.8 metres grading 0.25 grams per tonne gold and 272 grams
      per tonne silver, or 5.19 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a gold-to-
      silver ratio of 55:1, from 226.9 metres

Together these intercepts indicate a complex deposit with significant
widths near the intersection of the Capulin and Dolores structures. The
Company plans to complete a resource estimate on this area during Q2 2010 to
determine if there is potential for an economic deposit.

Puertocito Target


In mid-2009, geologic mapping and compilation efforts by the Company's
geologists determined that there is a major fault structure in the north part
of the Villalpando vein system that was previously not considered a major
target. This fault, called the Puertocito Fault, may actually be the
northward continuation of the Villalpando Vein (the major vein in the
district), not the Barragana vein as was previously thought. Previous
drilling in this area was primarily angled to the southwest to test the
northeast-dipping Barragana trend - but sub-parallel to the Puertocito
Fault. New drill testing by Gammon in 2010 has now cut the Puertocito Fault
at near right-angles to its dip, and has shown that just 70 metres in the
subsurface, the structure contains classic banded epithermal veining and
hydrothermal breccia textures with local patches of sulfides - and the first
drill hole in the target returned impressive widths and grades. Drilling is
presently in progress with two drill rigs on site. The best results to
date include:

    - C-523 with 4.9 metres grading 12.49 grams per tonne gold and 188 grams
      per tonne silver, or 15.91 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a gold-
      to-silver ratio of 55:1 from 94.8 metres
    - C-524 with 0.5 metres grading 17.00 grams per tonne gold and 35 grams
      per tonne silver, or 17.64 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a gold-
      to-silver ratio of 55:1 from 137.2 metres
    - C-525 with 3.3 metres grading 10.64 grams per tonne gold and 181 grams
      per tonne silver, or 13.93 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a gold-
      to-silver ratio of 55:1, from 98.2 metres

Fenix Target


The Company has also completed a series of new drill holes on the Fenix
target, just southeast of the Puertocito, where past drilling had encountered
some wide intercepts of gold-silver mineralization. The best results of
these new drill holes include:

    - CM-30 with 32.6 metres grading 0.47 grams per tonne gold and 30 grams
      per tonne silver, or 1.02 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a
      gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1, from 41.8 metres
    - CM-30 with 27.1 metres grading 0.70 grams per tonne gold and 28 grams
      per tonne silver, or 1.21 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a
      gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1, from 81.4 metres
    - CM-31 with 6.2 metres grading 4.42 grams per tonne gold and 26 grams
      per tonne silver, or 4.90 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a
      gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1, from 76.7 metres
    - CM-36 with 15.9 metres grading 0.65 grams per tonne gold and 56 grams
      per tonne silver, or 1.68 grams per tonne gold equivalent at a
      gold-to-silver ratio of 55:1, from 75.3 metres

Guadalupe y Calvo


The Company has also recently signed a contract to begin drilling at its
Guadalupe y Calvo project in southern Chihuahua in an effort to extend the
known mineralization at depth and along strike from the existing
mineralization. Present plans provide for the drilling to begin in early

Mezquite Project


In addition to the positive results at the Company's existing projects,
Gammon has developed a new grass roots exploration program for the recently
acquired Mezquite Project in the Penasquito region. The Company believes the
new management team will be able to acquire more new projects during 2010
that will build a solid exploration program for Gammon long-term.

Note: The Ocampo surface exploration information has been reviewed by
Qualified Person, Mr. Peter Drobeck. All sample analyses for Ocampo were
performed by Chemex Laboratories, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, or
in the Ocampo mine lab, using standard fire assay procedures. True widths
have not been calculated.

Note: The Ocampo underground exploration information has been reviewed by
Qualified Person, Mr. Ian Hardesty. All sample analyses for Ocampo were
performed by Chemex Laboratories, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, or in
the Ocampo mine lab, using standard fire assay procedures. True widths have
not been calculated.

Note: The El Cubo exploration information has been reviewed by Qualified
Person, Mr. Peter Drobeck. All sample analyses for El Cubo were performed by
SGS Laboratories, based in Mississauga, Ontario, or in the El Cubo mine lab,
using standard fire assay procedures (and with ICP finish for samples
completed at SGS). True widths have not been calculated.

This press release sets out the gold and silver grades found in the
samples taken from various targets. Not all of these targets have been
categorized as a mineral resource deposit under applicable Canadian mineral
resource reporting standards, and it is uncertain if further exploration
will result in these targets being delineated as mineral resources. The
grades encountered so far should not be taken as representative of the ore
bodies in question as there has been insufficient exploration to define a
mineral resource, and such grades may not prove representative of the
deposits if and when the same are delineated as mineral resources.

About Gammon Gold


Gammon Gold Inc. is a Nova Scotia based mid-tier gold and silver
producer with properties in Mexico. The Company's flagship Ocampo Project in
Chihuahua State achieved commercial production in January 2007. Gammon gold
also operates its El Cubo operation in Guanajuato State and has the promising
Guadalupe y Calvo development property in Chihuahua State. The Company
recently completed a purchase option agreement to acquire the Mezquite
Project ("Mezquite") in Zacatecas State, Mexico.

Cautionary Statement

Cautionary Note to US Investors - The United States Securities and
Exchange Commission permits US mining companies, in their filings with the
SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can economically
and legally extract or produce. This press release uses certain terms, such
as "measured," "indicated," and "inferred" "resources," that the SEC
guidelines strictly prohibit US registered companies from including in their
filings with the SEC. US Investors are urged to consider closely the
disclosure in Gammon gold's Annual Report on Form 40-F/A, which may be
secured from Gammon gold, or from the SEC's website

No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority
has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.

Certain statements included herein, including information as to the
future financial or operating performance of Gammon, its subsidiaries and
its projects, constitute forward-looking statements. The words "believe",
"expect", "anticipate", "contemplate", "target", "plan", "intends",
"continue", "budget", "estimate", "forecast", "may", "will", "schedule" and
similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking
statements include, among other things, statements regarding costs and timing
of future exploration and reclamation expenses, the future prospects of its
exploration drilling programs and the ability to discover potentially
commercial targets and develop them, its financial exposure to litigation,
targets, estimates and assumptions in respect of gold and silver production
and prices, cash and operating costs, results and capital expenditures,
mineral reserves and mineral resources and anticipated grades, recovery
rates, future financial or operating performance, margins, operating and
exploration expenditures, costs and timing of the development of new
deposits, costs and timing of construction, anticipated 2009 year-end and
2010 results, operating performance projections for 2009 and 2010, our
ability to fully fund our business model, including our capital program and
exploration, internally, 2009 and 2010 gold and silver production and the
cash and operating costs associated therewith, the ability to achieve
productivity and operational efficiencies, the ability to achieve cash flow
margin improvements, further reduction in the open pit stripping ratio, the
ability to develop and put into production our exploration targets, and the
timing of each thereof. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based
upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable
by Gammon, are inherently subject to significant business, economic,
competitive, political and social uncertainties and contingencies. Many
factors could cause Gammon's actual results to differ materially from those
expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements made by, or on behalf
of, Gammon. Such factors include, among others, known and unknown
uncertainties and risks relating to additional funding requirements, reserve
and resource estimates, commodity prices, hedging activities, exploration,
development and operating risks, illegal miners, political and foreign risk,
uninsurable risks, competition,limited mining operations, production risks,
environmental regulation and liability, government regulation, currency
fluctuations, recent losses and write-downs, restrictions in Gammon's loan
facility, dependence on key employees, possible variations of ore grade or
recovery rates, failure of plant, equipment or process to operate as
anticipated, accidents and labour disputes. Investors are cautioned that
forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and,
accordingly, investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on
forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein.

Ocampo exploration :

    Table 1: OCAMPO SURFACE DRILL RESULTS Q4 2009 - FEB 28, 2010
    Hole      From     To   Length    Gold  Silver   Au Eq.             VEIN
                (m)    (m)      (m)   (g/t)   (g/t)  (55:1)
    OG-799   250.1   253.7     3.6     0.5    18.0    0.79         San Amado
    OG-807    83.0    86.0     3.0     0.7     4.0    0.80       Las Molinas
    OG-807   167.0   168.0     1.0     0.6     8.0    0.77       Las Molinas
    OG-807   198.0   199.0     1.0     0.8    30.0    1.32       Las Molinas
    OG-808    27.0    31.0     4.0     0.9    16.0    1.21         San Amado
    OG-808    33.5    39.5     6.0     1.0    18.0    1.34         San Amado
    OG-809    33.5    35.0     1.5     0.5    16.0    0.74       Las Molinas
    OG-809    49.7    67.5    17.8     0.5    34.0    1.15       Las Molinas
    OG-809    91.0    91.6     0.6     0.5    71.0    1.77       Las Molinas
    OG-809    95.5    97.3     1.8    10.2    13.0   10.41       Las Molinas
    OG-810   160.0   162.0     2.0     0.0    29.0    0.54         San Amado
    OG-811    99.0   103.0     4.0     0.2    16.0    0.50       Las Molinas
    OG-811   123.0   140.0    17.0     0.8    52.0    1.74       Las Molinas
    OG-811   152.0   162.0    10.0     0.2    11.0    0.35       Las Molinas
    OG-811   171.0   181.0    10.0     0.3     9.0    0.46       Las Molinas
    OG-811   196.0   197.0     1.0     1.0    36.0    1.63       Las Molinas
    OG-812    12.3    13.8     1.6    13.4    33.0   14.01         San Amado
    OG-812    91.5    94.6     3.1     2.2   173.0    5.37         San Amado
    OG-813    66.2    70.1     3.9     0.1    44.0    0.92         San Amado
    OG-814    45.5    54.0     8.5     1.7    37.0    2.38       Las Molinas
    OG-814    76.0    78.0     2.0     0.4    15.0    0.64       Las Molinas
    OG-815    35.0    38.0     3.0     0.2    12.0    0.42       Las Molinas
    OG-815    56.0    59.0     3.0     0.1    21.0    0.48       Las Molinas
    OG-815    66.0    68.0     2.0     1.7    87.0    3.32       Las Molinas
    OG-815    74.0    85.0    11.0     0.4     6.0    0.52       Las Molinas
    OG-815    91.0    94.0     3.0     2.3     8.0    2.40       Las Molinas
    OG-815    98.0   106.0     8.0     0.8    33.0    1.37       Las Molinas
    OG-816   229.5   230.2     0.7     0.5     7.0    0.61         San Amado
    OG-816   255.7   257.4     1.7     0.4    23.0    0.81    San Amado Bajo
    OG-817    67.0    68.0     1.0     4.2     9.0    4.35       Las Molinas
    OG-817    85.0    88.0     3.0     1.3    57.0    2.37       Las Molinas
    OG-817    88.0   104.0    16.0     0.3    13.0    0.50       Las Molinas
    OG-818    33.0    34.0     1.0     2.9     5.0    3.03       Las Molinas
    OG-820   125.3   126.4     1.1     0.6    36.0    1.23          La Leona
    OG-821    27.6    30.5     2.9     0.7    30.0    1.28       Las Molinas
    OG-821    63.0    72.5     9.5     0.4     6.0    0.49       Las Molinas
    OG-821    99.4   101.0     1.6     2.2    59.0    3.29       Las Molinas
    OG-822    69.0    71.0     2.0     1.0    26.0    1.48        Picacho SE
    OG-823    61.0    62.0     1.0     0.5    64.0    1.61        Picacho SE
    OG-824    70.0    71.5     1.5     0.1    60.0    1.18       Las Molinas
    Hole      From      To  Length    Gold  Silver   Au Eq.             VEIN
                        (m)     (m)                  (55:1)
    OG-824   159.0   163.5     4.5     0.8    22.0    1.20       Las Molinas
    OG-824   180.5   183.5     3.0     0.3    17.0    0.44       Las Molinas
    OG-824   186.5   191.0     4.5     0.1    17.0    0.42       Las Molinas
    OG-825   101.0   102.9     1.9     2.0   107.0    3.94          La Leona
    OG-827   118.2   118.9     0.6     4.0   160.0    6.89 San Amado al alto
    OG-829    87.1    89.7     2.6     1.2    63.0    2.37       Las Molinas
    OG-830   202.5   203.0     0.5     3.1     6.0    3.21 San Amado al alto
    OG-831    11.0    14.0     3.0     0.7    38.0    1.38        Picacho SE
    OG-831    34.0    37.0     3.0     5.4   382.0   12.30        Picacho SE
    OG-831    52.0    53.0     1.0     0.2    25.0    0.61        Picacho SE
    OG-831    66.0    67.0     1.0     0.5    10.0    0.65        Picacho SE
    OG-831    74.0    75.0     1.0     0.6    33.0    1.24        Picacho SE
    OG-831    94.0   102.0     8.0     0.3    24.0    0.77        Picacho SE
    OG-833    31.0    33.0     2.0     1.0     6.0    1.07     Santa Librada
    OG-833    96.0    97.0     1.0     0.7     8.0    0.84     Santa Librada
    OG-834    82.2    84.2     2.0     1.7     7.0    1.79          La Leona
    OG-834    96.1    96.9     0.8     1.1    91.0    2.71          La Leona
    OG-834   114.4   114.9     0.5     0.4    89.0    2.06          La Leona
    OG-835    61.0    84.0    23.0     0.7    46.0    1.58     Santa Librada
    OG-835    88.0    90.0     2.0     0.6    49.0    1.46     Santa Librada
    OG-836   111.0   113.0     2.0     0.3     1.0    0.35     Santa Librada
    OG-837   281.8   282.3     0.5     0.3    30.0    0.85 San Amado al alto
    OG-838   176.5   197.5    21.0     0.6    18.0    0.94       Las Molinas
    OG-840    87.3    98.8    11.5     0.5    16.0    0.75       Las Molinas
    OG-840   105.8   113.2     7.4     2.9   107.0    4.82       Las Molinas
    OG-841    99.7   104.8     5.1     0.4    14.0    0.62       Las Molinas
    OG-841   157.9   161.6     3.7     0.4     9.0    0.55       Las Molinas
    OG-841   190.6   196.6     6.0     0.3     7.0    0.42       Las Molinas
    OG-841   196.6   199.2     2.6     5.9    24.0    6.35       Las Molinas
    OG-841   199.2   202.8     3.6     0.3     7.0    0.46       Las Molinas
    OG-846    77.0   102.0    25.0     0.2    29.0    0.70     Santa Librada
    OG-847   109.4   111.4     2.0     0.4    25.0    0.83       Las Molinas
    OG-853    16.0    18.0     2.0     1.7     4.0    1.81     Santa Librada
    OG-865   126.6   130.1     3.5     0.4    22.0    0.76         San Amado
    OG-865   141.8   144.8     3.1     0.2    59.0    1.24         San Amado
    OG-865   148.8   151.9     3.1     0.4    27.0    0.92         San Amado
    OG-865   178.2   180.2     2.0     0.2    24.0    0.64         San Amado
    OG-866    67.0    68.7     1.7     0.9     9.0    1.02          La Leona
    OG-866   106.7   107.4     0.7     1.0    41.0    1.77          La Leona
    OG-866   149.7   150.3     0.6     1.1     1.0    1.08          La Leona
    OG-866   173.5   174.5     1.0     0.5    52.0    1.40          La Leona
    OG-867    29.0    32.0     3.0     0.7     1.0    0.72         La Rosita
    Hole      From      To  Length    Gold  Silver   Au Eq.             VEIN
                        (m)     (m)                  (55:1)
    OG-867    43.0    45.0     2.0     0.4     1.0    0.43         La Rosita
    OG-867    47.0    48.0     1.0     0.3     2.0    0.34         La Rosita
    OG-869    81.4    83.5     2.1     1.4     9.0    1.57          La Leona
    OG-869   116.8   118.8     2.0     1.1     9.0    1.27          La Leona
    OG-869   124.3   125.4     1.1     1.5    24.0    1.93          La Leona
    OG-869   131.0   131.5     0.5     0.5    16.0    0.82          La Leona
    OG-870    93.9    95.1     1.1     0.3     3.0    0.31         Los Monos
    OG-871   122.2   124.0     1.8     0.1     7.0    0.23        Altagracia
    OG-871   288.0   289.5     1.5     1.7   122.0    3.89        Altagracia
    OG-871   300.9   302.0     1.1     0.2    16.0    0.49        Altagracia
    OG-872   103.8   105.8     2.0     0.9     5.0    1.01          La Leona
    OG-873    81.7    82.7     1.0     0.5     1.0    0.48         Los Monos
    OG-874    63.6    64.1     0.5     0.4     8.0    0.50          La Leona
    OG-874    95.3    95.8     0.5     7.1   154.0    9.92          La Leona
    OG-876   113.0   116.3     3.3     4.5     9.0    4.70         Los Monos
    OG-878   121.0   121.5     0.5     0.3    13.0    0.51          La Leona
    OG-879    99.9   100.4     0.6     0.3     2.0    0.32         Los Monos
    OG-879   104.0   107.8     3.8     0.4     1.0    0.40         Los Monos
    OG-880    37.0    38.5     1.5     0.6     2.0    0.66        Altagracia
    OG-881   116.1   116.8     0.7     2.6     4.0    2.69         Los Monos
    OG-882    83.6    86.6     3.0     0.2    12.0    0.39        Altagracia
    OG-882   224.0   228.3     4.3     0.5    57.0    1.50        Altagracia
    OG-883    15.0    16.0     1.0     1.5    21.0    1.90        Picacho SE
    OG-883    47.8    56.2     8.4     0.9     5.0    1.00        Picacho SE
    OG-883    81.5    84.7     3.2     5.3   132.0    7.74        Picacho SE
    OG-883    95.5    96.9     1.4     0.9     2.0    0.97        Picacho SE
    OG-883    99.0   102.2     3.2     0.4    57.0    1.41        Picacho SE
    OG-883   103.3   104.3     1.0     2.3    87.0    3.85        Picacho SE
    OG-883   109.3   109.8     0.5     0.3     2.0    0.34        Picacho SE
    OG-883   112.9   115.9     3.0     0.4     5.0    0.51        Picacho SE
    OG-884    55.1    55.6     0.5     5.8    24.0    6.22         Los Monos
    OG-884    99.7   101.6     1.9     2.0   116.0    4.06         Los Monos
    OG-886   133.5   139.3     5.8     9.0   309.0   14.63        Picacho SE
    OG-888    68.0    70.0     2.0     1.0    61.0    2.08         San Amado
    OG-888    99.0   100.6     1.6     0.9     1.0    0.92         San Amado
    OG-890    12.8    16.3     3.5     0.2    19.0    0.58        Picacho SE
    OG-890    21.2    28.2     7.0     0.9    87.0    2.49        Picacho SE
    OG-890    29.3    32.9     3.7    13.0    11.0   13.25        Picacho SE
    OG-890    50.8    58.1     7.4     0.8    37.0    1.49        Picacho SE
    OG-890    66.2    70.9     4.8     0.7    23.0    1.10        Picacho SE
    OG-891     0.0    18.9    18.9     1.5    51.0    2.45       Las Molinas
    OG-891    30.8    33.5     2.7     0.4    20.0    0.80       Las Molinas
    Hole      From      To  Length    Gold  Silver   Au Eq.             VEIN
                        (m)     (m)                  (55:1)
    OG-893    26.5    31.0     4.5     0.3    18.0    0.58       Las Molinas
    OG-893    45.3    72.4    27.1     1.4    44.0    2.16       Las Molinas
    OG-898   221.8   222.8     0.9     0.5    39.0    1.19           El Rayo
    OG-901    64.5    65.7     1.2     1.1     4.0    1.13    Las Molinas SW
    OG-901    69.1    70.4     1.3     0.6     2.0    0.59    Las Molinas SW

Note: The Ocampo surface exploration information has been reviewed by
Qualified Person, Mr. Peter Drobeck. All sample analyses for Ocampo were
performed by Chemex Laboratories, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, or in
the Ocampo mine lab, using standard fire assay procedures. True widths have
not been calculated.

    Table 2: OCAMPO UNDERGROUND DRILL RESULTS Q4 2009 - FEB 28, 2010
    Hole      From      To  Length    Gold  Silver   Au Eq.             VEIN
                (m)     (m)     (m)   (g/t)   (g/t)  (55:1)
    OU-681   265.0   266.0     1.0     2.6   190.0    6.03       Jesus Maria
    OU-737   187.2   188.1     0.9     1.2    74.7    2.57       Jesus Maria
    OU-737   194.0   195.0     1.0     1.1   175.0    4.29       Jesus Maria
    OU-737A  180.2   181.8     1.6     1.2   115.2    3.26       Jesus Maria
    OU-657   130.4   132.0     1.6     9.7   374.9   16.48             Belen
    OU-661   102.5   105.0     2.5     2.0   175.0    5.20             Belen
    OU-717   164.3   167.9     3.6    19.5   138.3   22.03             Belen
    OU-719   138.5   149.3    10.8     6.5   803.4   21.11             Belen
    OU-640   109.5   111.0     1.5     3.6    43.0    4.34     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-652   166.4   167.2     0.9     3.8   138.0    6.27     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-658   195.0   198.0     3.0     3.7    89.2    5.33     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-663   186.5   188.0     1.5     4.2     7.7    4.30     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-665   104.6   105.3     0.7     4.5   181.0    7.81     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-666A   81.0    82.0     1.0     3.0   128.0    5.33     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-667    80.5    81.4     1.0     3.5   283.0    8.64     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-673   102.6   104.3     1.7     2.8   253.8    7.41     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-674   108.0   117.5     9.5     1.3    77.1    2.73     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-674   121.3   122.7     1.4     4.4     9.5    4.56     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-674   266.2   268.2     2.0     5.1     7.6    5.28     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-675    96.4   103.4     7.0     1.4   127.6    3.70     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-694    97.6    99.0     1.4    13.2   421.0   20.85     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-738   197.3   198.2     1.0     4.2    29.7    4.71     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-739    63.1    65.0     1.9    13.1   142.9   15.67     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-739   197.0   198.2     1.2     4.5    64.7    5.65     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-741    64.5    65.5     1.0    14.3   148.0   16.94     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-742   193.5   194.7     1.2     3.6     3.5    3.69     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-743    78.6    84.5     5.9     5.8    80.1    7.26     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-743   198.5   203.2     4.7    35.1   383.1   42.09     Sta. Eduviges
    OU-744   135.2   142.8     7.7     1.0   107.9    2.97          San Jose
    OU-747   147.9   148.4     3.5     4.6   335.3   10.71          San Jose
    OU-755   101.0   102.2     1.3     2.9    51.3    3.79         Esperanza

Note: The Ocampo underground exploration information has been reviewed by
Qualified Person, Mr. Ian Hardesty. All sample analyses for Ocampo were
performed by Chemex Laboratories, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, or in
the Ocampo mine lab, using standard fire assay procedures. True widths have
not been calculated.

El Cubo exploration :

    Table 3: EL CUBO RESULTS Q4 2009 - FEB 28, 2010
    Hole      From      To  Length    Gold  Silver   Au Eq.             VEIN
                (m)     (m)     (m)   (g/t)   (g/t)  (55:1)
    C-475    103.3   106.1     2.8     0.5    23.0    0.95        Dolores SE
    C-476    128.6   137.7     9.1     1.2    29.0    1.70        Dolores SE
    C-477    152.7   156.1     3.4     0.3    24.0    0.78        Dolores SE
    C-478    106.6   115.7     9.1     1.7   172.0    4.88        Dolores SE
    C-479    147.5   148.5     1.0     1.1   210.0    4.95        Dolores SE
    C-479    152.0   167.8    15.8     0.4    42.0    1.13        Dolores SE
    C-479    171.9   172.6     0.7     0.8   233.0    5.04        Dolores SE
    C-480    193.3   202.8     9.5     0.0     0.0    0.00           Capulin
    C-481    157.0   186.8    29.8     1.1   106.0    3.00           Capulin
    C-482    117.9   138.2    20.3     1.0    51.0    1.96           Capulin
    C-483    132.7   135.8     3.1     2.8   291.0    8.06           Capulin
    C-484     77.0    77.2     0.2     0.3    90.0    1.91        Dolores SE
    C-485    181.7   183.9     2.2     0.7    10.0    0.86           Capulin
    C-485    191.7   196.1     4.4     0.8    17.0    1.15           Capulin
    C-485    226.9   228.7     1.8     0.3   272.0    5.19           Capulin
    C-490    206.4   207.3     0.9     1.8   134.0    4.23           Capulin
    C-491    203.7   204.1     0.4     0.5    40.0    1.20           Capulin
    C-492    218.2   221.6     3.4     0.4    11.0    0.56           Capulin
    C-493    197.8   198.1     0.3     0.7   152.0    3.46           Capulin
    C-494    197.9   199.1     1.2     1.2   209.0    4.97        Dolores SE
    C-495    217.5   229.5    12.0     0.3    34.0    0.95        Dolores SE
    C-498    258.8   259.8     1.0     0.7    87.0    2.28        Dolores SE
    C-498    262.8   263.1     0.3     0.8    43.0    1.55        Dolores SE
    C-499     30.1    31.0     0.9     0.3    27.0    0.79           Capulin
    C-503    106.7   108.2     1.5    10.5     6.0   10.60           Capulin
    C-506     62.3    85.8    23.5     0.2     7.0    0.30        Dolores SE
    C-509    103.1   108.8     5.7     0.9    31.0    1.48        Dolores SE
    C-510    115.7   131.5    15.8     1.1    48.0    1.92        Dolores SE
    C-511    152.3   165.3    13.0     0.5    16.0    0.77        Dolores SE
    C-519     56.3    56.9     1.3     2.2   128.0    4.53           Capulin
    C-520    207.3   210.9     3.6     0.2    53.0    1.16       Villalpando
    C-523     87.4    89.5     2.2     2.4    75.0    3.77        Puertocito
    C-523     94.8    99.7     4.9    12.5   188.0   15.91        Puertocito
    C-524     40.3    41.2     0.9     2.1   139.0    4.63        Puertocito
    C-524    137.2   137.7     0.5    17.0    35.0   17.64        Puertocito
    C-524    152.3   152.8     0.6     1.3   134.0    3.74        Puertocito
    C-525     98.2   101.5     3.3    10.6   181.0   13.93        Puertocito
    C-527    179.2   180.0     0.8     3.0     5.0    3.05        Puertocito
    CM-29     51.4    75.0    23.6     1.3    44.0    2.15             Fenix
    CM-30     41.8    74.4    32.6     0.5    30.0    1.02             Fenix
    Hole      From      To  Length    Gold  Silver   Au Eq.             VEIN
                (m)     (m)     (m)   (g/t)   (g/t)  (55:1)
    CM-30     81.4   108.5    27.1     0.7    28.0    1.21             Fenix
    CM-31     29.0    37.8     8.8     0.4    35.0    0.99             Fenix
    CM-31     56.0    67.5    11.5     0.2    10.0    0.35             Fenix
    CM-31     76.7    82.9     6.2     4.4    26.0    4.90             Fenix
    CM-31    117.8   135.5    17.7     0.4    18.0    0.70             Fenix
    CM-32     22.7    23.4     0.7     6.2   185.0    9.59             Fenix
    CM-33     51.6    60.4     8.8     1.3    35.0    1.97             Fenix
    CM-33     81.8    89.7     7.9     1.7    39.0    2.36             Fenix
    CM-34    148.4   155.5     7.1     0.4     9.0    0.60             Fenix
    CM-36     75.3    91.2    15.9     0.7    56.0    1.68             Fenix
    CM-37    142.6   154.4    11.8     0.5     9.0    0.64             Fenix
    CM-38    112.5   115.7     3.2     0.6    16.0    0.91             Fenix
    CM-38    118.9   128.0     9.1     0.8    18.0    1.10             Fenix
    CM-39    200.0   229.4    29.4     1.1    12.0    1.35             Fenix

Note: The El Cubo exploration information has been reviewed by Qualified
Person, Mr. Peter Drobeck. All sample analyses for El Cubo were performed by
SGS Laboratories, based in Mississauga, Ontario, or in the El Cubo mine lab,
using standard fire assay procedures (and with ICP finish for samples
completed at SGS). True widths have not been calculated.

For further information: Peter Drobeck, Senior VP, Explorations &
Business Development, Gammon Gold Inc., +1(416)646-3825; Anne Day, Director
of Investor Relations, Gammon Gold Inc., +1(902)468-0614;

For further information: Peter Drobeck, Senior VP, Explorations & Business Development, Gammon Gold Inc., +1(416)646-3825; Anne Day, Director of Investor Relations, Gammon Gold Inc., +1(902)468-0614;

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