Investor Relations Society Chairman to Launch Guidance for Investor Relations Practitioners on the UK Corporate Governance Code
By Investor Relations Society, PRNEMonday, June 14, 2010
LONDON, June 15, 2010 - Investor Relations Society Chairman, Richard Davies, will launch the
Society's 'Guidance for Investor Relations Practitioners on the UK Corporate
Governance Code' later today at the Society's Annual General Meeting.
This launch ties in with the IR Society's 30th anniversary year and is
the IR Society's response to the FRC's Governance Code, being designed to
show how investor engagement should work in practice.
Speaking at the AGM hosted by Citi Depositary Receipt Services in London,
Davies will say:
"As the conduit between issuers and investors, the Society has developed
guidance for investor relations practitioners on the UK Governance Code.
"It is vitally important that IR is seen to be at the heart of companies'
strategic decision making and influencing Board policy; after all it is the
IR practitioners who are tasked with explaining often complex and
controversial Board decisions to investors."
Corporate governance has been a major source of debate and contention
following the financial crisis amidst criticism that many leading companies
did not operate proper checks and balances. With investors more inclined to
take ownership of their invested companies - as we have seen with the recent
refusal of Prudential institutional investors to back the AIA takeover - IR
professionals will increasingly need to operate at the forefront on crucial
corporate governance issues.
The Investor Relations Society represents the voice of the issuer in the
UK and aims to be the focal point for investor relations practice and IR
professionals, and to promote best practice in investor relations generally.
Notes for editors.
The Investor Relations Society represents members working for public
companies and consultancies to assist them in the development of effective
two way communication with the markets and to create a level playing field
for all investors. It has nearly 600 members drawn both from the UK and
overseas, including the majority of the FTSE 100 and much of the FTSE 250.
Copies of the Guide are available from the Investor Relations Society or
on the Society's website;
Investor Relations Society contacts: Michael Mitchell - General Manager +44(0)20-7379-1763 Richard Davies, Chairman, +44(0)20-7492-0501
Investor Relations Society contacts: Michael Mitchell - General Manager +44(0)20-7379-1763; Richard Davies, Chairman, +44(0)20-7492-0501
Tags: Investor Relations Society, June 15, London, United Kingdom