Unite Supports Strategy for Workers to Access Skills

By Prne, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

LONDON - Five sector skills councils supported by trade unions Unite, Prospect, GMB, CSEU and the TUC have launched an initiative to improve access to quality training and development for manufacturing companies in the UK.

The Manufacturing Skills Alliance, which consists of the following Sector Skills Councils - Cogent, Improve Ltd, Proskills, Semta and Skillfast-UK revealed their plan at a House of Lords event with Business and Regulatory Reform Minister, Ian Lucas MP.

The Manufacturing Skills Alliance has already started on a number of projects that benefit employers in the manufacturing and processing industries. These include Productivity and Competitiveness (PAC) programmes which provide training in lean manufacturing. The programme pilot saw 14 companies go through the PAC programme, with an average of GBP93,000 increase in profitability.

Speaking in support of the MSA plan Minister Ian Lucas said: “The government’s manufacturing strategy identified access to skills as one of the five key dynamics that is instrumental in reshaping global manufacturing. A globally competitive advanced manufacturing sector is completely dependent on UK manufacturers having access to the right skills, in the right place, at the right time.”

The Alliance has been developing new qualifications and new routes into industry such as the new diplomas and foundation degrees. It is developing smaller, flexible, modular and standards based qualifications that match the way employers actually train their staff. The Alliance is also running workshops for Union Learning Reps to support their understanding of the available skills support and is developing best practice in careers guidance.

The Alliance is fully supported by the trades unions involved with the five SSC’s. Tony Burke, Unite Assistant General Secretary, who is a member of the board of Cogent, said: “The workforce of any company is the key asset of any organisation and the employees across the manufacturing industries have contributed to their growth and success through their skills and talents.

“Developing skills is paramount to creating a strong industry base and Unite is rigorously pursuing this agenda. We are working through the Manufacturing Skills Alliance with employers to ensure a framework where employees develop new skills and gain qualifications that really mean something.”

The sector skills councils have also helped industry and government make effective training interventions through the Train to Gain campaign and sector compacts, where flexible funding has been negotiated to support and increase the numbers of employers investing in their workforce.

Notes to Editors The Manufacturing Skills Alliance plan has the following priorities: - To co-ordinate the approach to Labour Market Intelligence so colleges and training providers get clear demand signals including those from green and emerging industries. - To support development of the UK Talent Plan to provide easier access to skills information and strengthen links with Manufacturing Insight which will promote manufacturing careers. - To produce a common employer skills offer with measurable and sustainable impact on business performance through programmes such as Business Improvement Techniques. - To develop a coherent set of programmes to meet the current and future needs of manufacturing employers and to improve transferability for individuals. - To adopt a common approach in Higher Education to help increase employer engagement in innovation and knowledge transfer. - To support manufacturing through the recession to ensure readiness for the upturn.

Source: Unite the Union

For further information contact Bernard Rutter on +44(0)7973-630962 or Tony Burke on +44(0)7831-659939 or Ashraf Choudhury in the Unite press office on +44(0)20-7420-8914 or +44(0)7980-224761

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