WISE Awards 2011 Now Open for Submissions
By World Innovation Summit For Education wise, PRNETuesday, April 19, 2011
PARIS, April 20, 2011 - Innovative educational projects from all regions of the world
and from all educational sectors may now be entered for the World Innovation
Summit for Education (WISE) Awards 2011 at www.wise-qatar.org The
submissions deadline is 31 May 2011.
This third round of the annual WISE Awards will continue to highlight
successful initiatives under the theme Transforming education: Investment,
Innovation and Inclusion. The six projects judged to have the most positive
impact upon education and societies will be showcased and rewarded at the
WISE 2011 Summit in Doha, Qatar, 1-3 November.
The winners will receive the recognition of a Jury of eminent experts and
an award of $20,000 (US). They also gain media visibility which helps promote
their work and connect them with a global community.
HE Sheikh Abdulla bin Ali Al-Thani, PhD, Chairman of WISE and Chairman of
the WISE Awards Jury, said: "There is a need to highlight best practices
because they can inspire other projects and be of use to practitioners and
learners around the world. I encourage people engaged in innovative projects
to share their successes, and I truly look forward to discovering new models
that have had a significant impact on improving peoples' lives."
One of the WISE Awards winning projects in 2009 was The Self-Sufficient
School model, initiated by Martin Burt at Fundacion Paraguaya. This model has
been successfully replicated in 27 countries across Latin America and Africa.
Tove Wang from Save The Children and a WISE Award winner in 2010 for
Rewrite the Future, says "We are immensely proud to have won the WISE Award.
It has raised our profile as an agency that can deliver for children at
scale, and it has given us access to important political arenas where
education in conflict is discussed."
The 2011 WISE Awards Jury includes:
- Dr Abdul Waheed Khan - President, Talal Abu Ghazaleh Business
University, Kingdom of Bahrain
- Mr Rodrigo Baggio, Founder and Executive Director, Centre for Digital
Inclusion, Brazil
- Mr Esko Aho, Executive Vice-President, Corporate Relations and
Responsibility, Nokia Corporation, and former Prime Minister of Finland
- Ms Linda Koch Lorimer, Vice President and Secretary, Yale University,
- HE Sheikh Abdulla bin Ali Al-Thani, PhD, Chairman of WISE, Qatar
Foundation, Qatar
Find out more about the WISE Awards: www.wise-qatar.org
About the WISE Awards
The WISE Awards are designed to identify, showcase and promote innovative
educational projects from around the world. To date, 12 projects have been
awarded and 78 finalists have been shortlisted out of more than 900
submissions from 110 countries. These 'real world' initiatives are
progressively building a global community of educational innovators. To find
out more about the WISE Awards, please visit the website
www.wise-qatar.org and the WISE Awards blog:
Tania Chuppe, Fleishman-Hillard | Digital. Integrated. Global. 40 Long Acre, Covent Garden, London WC2E 9LG, (T) +44(0)20-7395-7078 , (E) tania.chuppe at fleishmaneurope.com
Tags: April 20, France, Paris, World Innovation Summit for Education - WISE