Bouygues First-half 2010. Sales: EUR14.7 Billion (-1%). Net Profit: EUR532 Million (-3%). A Satisfactory Operating Performance in Four Business Areas, a More Difficult First Half for Colas. 2010 Sales Target Revised Upward to EUR30.4 Billion

By Bouygues, PRNE
Monday, August 30, 2010

PARIS, August 31, 2010 - The Group reported better-than-expected sales of EUR14.7
in the first half of 2010, down 1% on the first half of 2009 and 2%
like-for-like and at constant exchange rates. Operating profit amounted to
EUR698 million (-10%) and net profit to EUR532 million (-3%). The financial
structure is very healthy and net debt is in keeping with the improvement
seen at end-December 2009.

Key figures

                                First-half   First-half   Change
                                   2009         2010
    (EUR million)                                                  First-half
                                 restated                             2009

    Sales                        14,790(1)   14,655        -1%      14,929

    Operating profit                772(1)      698       -10%         789
    Net profit attributable          547        532        -3%         547
    to the Group

    Net debt(2)                    6,259      4,205 -EUR2,054m       6,259
    Net gearing(2)                    72%        43%      -29 pts       72%

(1) Applying the same accounting policy as in 2010, excluding
contributions from Finagestion

(2) End of period

Business areas

Bouygues Construction had a satisfactory first half. Sales
were in line with the full-year target and amounted to EUR4,530 million, a
drop of 5% (down 6% in France and 3% on international markets).

The operating margin was virtually stable at 3.2% in the first
half of 2010. Low interest rates continued to impact net profit, down 26% at
EUR89 million.

In the first half of 2010, order intakes reached an all-time
high of EUR6.1 billion, a 38% increase on the first half of 2009 (up 12% in
France and 73% internationally). The order book rose to a record EUR13.9
, 16% higher than at end-December 2009. It does not as yet include the
Singapore Sports Hub project signed in August 2010 for EUR770 million.

Bouygues Immobilier did better than expected in the first half
of the year. Sales stood at EUR1,313 million, down 8% overall (up 5% in the
residential segment, down 33% in the commercial segment). The operating
margin improved one point to 8.3% compared with the first half of 2009 due to
the restoration of margins in the residential property business. Net profit
fell 7% to EUR56 million.

In the first half of 2010, business activity remained buoyant
in the residential property segment, with reservations rising 39% to EUR1,175
. Commercial property reservations remained low in a market which is
at a cyclical low. Overall, reservations totalled EUR1,243 million, 32%
higher than at end-June 2009. The order book was up 3% on 31 March 2010, to
EUR2.2 billion.

First-half 2010 was more difficult for Colas. Improved
business activity in the second quarter made up for some of the lag
accumulated in the first quarter. Sales amounted to EUR5,002 million, 2%
lower than in the first half of a 2009 (down 3% in France and 1% on
international markets). A deteriorated economic situation in Central Europe
and fierce competitive pressure weighed on profitability, with an operating
loss of EUR47 million (including a loss of EUR57 million in Central Europe)
versus operating profit of EUR75 million at end-June 2009. In the first half
of 2010, net loss was EUR29 million compared with net profit of EUR58 million
at end-June 2009. In this context, Colas is continuing the measures begun in
2009 and is introducing a tougher action plan in Central Europe and France to
return to operating margin growth in 2011.

The order book at end-June 2010 stood at EUR7,198 million,
stable compared with end-June 2009, with an increase of 4% in France and a
decline of 4% on international markets.

TF1 performed well in the first half of 2010 as its strategy
is bearing fruit. Sales rose 14% to EUR1,285 million, driven by a pick-up in
advertising spend. Operating profit tripled to EUR104 million and net profit
rose by 51% to EUR74 million. The acquisition of TMC and NT1 was finalised on
11 June 2010 and the companies will be fully consolidated in TF1's financial
statements from 1 July 2010.

As a result of its commercial performance, Bouygues Telecom
generated strong organic growth. Overall sales rose by 4% to EUR2,732 million
and sales from network by the same figure to EUR2,506 million. Stripping out
the impact of the cut in voice and SMS termination rates, the growth rate of
sales from network would have been 13%. EBITDA amounted to EUR734 million, up
5%, and net profit to EUR264 million, down 1%.

Commercial performance remained strong. 351,000 new mobile
contract customers joined Bouygues Telecom in the first half of 2010,
representing 24% of net market growth(1). Bouygues Telecom had 10,514,000
mobile customers at end-June 2010, 8,277,000 of them on call plans (78.7% of
the total customer base, a year-on-year increase of 3.1 points). The
fixed-line business continued to grow, with 214,000 net activations in the
first half of the year (of which 97,000 in the second quarter) and 525,000
Bbox routers activated(2) at 30 June 2010. These good results confirm the
success of Bouygues Telecom's growth strategy.

(1) Arcep (French communications regulator) data

(2) Bbox routers in operation or the number of customers billed


Alstom contributed EUR216 million to Group first-half 2010 net
profit*, an increase of 19%.

Alstom announced an order book of EUR42 billion at end-June
, or 27 months of sales, and an operating margin target of between 7% and
8% for FY2010/2011 and FY2011/2012. In a challenging short-term commercial
environment, Alstom still has solid potential in its three businesses.

Reminder: Bouygues received 4.4 million Alstom shares in
return for its 50% stake in the Alstom Hydro Holding joint venture. As a
result of the transaction, the Group booked financial income included in net
profit for EUR41 million in the first quarter of 2010.

*Contribution calculated on the basis of Alstom's net profit
published at 31 March 2010

Financial position

Group net debt at 30 June 2010 came to EUR4.2 billion, EUR2.1
less than at 30 June 2009. Shareholders' equity increased EUR1.2
billion to EUR9.9 billion
. Net gearing stood at 43%, an improvement of 29
points. Free cash flow amounted to EUR590 million, stable compared with the
first half of 2009. In July 2010, Standard & Poor's confirmed its rating of
A- with a stable outlook.

2010 sales target revised upward to EUR30.4 billion

The 2010 sales target has been revised upward to EUR30.4
from the EUR30.1 billion announced in June 2010, as a result of good
commercial performance and better-than-expected sales in the first half of
the year.

The first half of 2010 confirmed the Group's ability to react
and adapt in each of its business areas. With a robust financial structure,
Bouygues is well-placed to grasp opportunities for growth in its markets.

                              2009                2010                  %
    Sales by business area                       target               change
         (EUR million)
                                                  in June
                                       Published            Published
                                       in March             in August

    Bouygues Construction     9,546        9,100   9,100     9,100       -5%
    Bouygues Immobilier       2,989        2,100   2,150     2,300      -23%
    Colas                    11,581       11,500  11,500    11,500       -1%
    TF1                       2,365        2,410   2,460     2,530       +7%
    Bouygues Telecom          5,368        5,370   5,420     5,450       +2%
    Holding company and         134          130     130       130       ns

    Intra-Group elimination    (630)        (610)   (660)     (610)      ns

    TOTAL                    31,353       30,000  30,100    30,400       -3%
    o/w France               21,678       20,600  20,800    21,100       -3%
    o/w international         9,675        9,400   9,300     9,300       -4%

You can find the full financial statements and notes to the
consolidated financial statements on:

These documents have been subject to a limited review by the
statutory auditors and the corresponding report has been issued.

The Half-year Review is accessible at:

The first-half 2010 results presentation to financial analysts
will be webcast live on 1 September 2010 at 11am (CET) on

                                                          % change First-half
    Condensed consolidated income           First-half              published

    (EUR million)
                                          2009     2010

    Sales                                 14,790  14,655       -1%    14,929

    Operating profit                         772     698      -10%       789

    Cost of net debt                        (170)   (162)      -5%      (171)

    Other financial income and                 3      36       ns          3

    Income tax expense                      (203)   (204)       =       (208)

    Share of profits and losses from         206     237      +15%       206

    Net profit from continuing               608     605        =        619

    Net profit from discontinued and          11       0       ns          0
    held-for-sale operations

    Net profit                               619     605       -2%       619

    Minority interests                       (72)    (73)      +1%       (72)

    Net profit attributable to the           547     532       -3%       547

(1) Finagestion group's income and expenses reclassified to net
profit from discontinued and held-for-sale operations

    First-quarter consolidated          First-quarter           First-quarter
    income statement
    (EUR million)                                                 published
                                           2009    2010

    Sales                                6,579(1) 6,443    -2%     6,655

    Operating profit                       165(1)   162    -2%       174

    Net profit attributable to the          159     181   +14%       159

(1) Applying the same accounting policy as in 2010, excluding
contributions from Finagestion

    Second-quarter                  Second-quarter             Second-quarter
    consolidated                                               2009 published
    income statement

    (EUR million)
                                      2009       2010

    Sales                           8,211(1)    8,212       =        8,274

    Operating profit                  607(1)      536     -12%         615

    Net profit attributable to         388        351     -10%         388
    the Group

(1) Applying the same accounting policy as in 2010, excluding
contributions from Finagestion

                                    First-half         %

    Sales by business area                          change   Change
    (EUR million)                                            and at
                                                             exchange rates
                                   2009        2010

    Bouygues Construction         4,758       4,530     -5%              -6%
    Bouygues Immobilier           1,433       1,313     -8%              -9%
    Colas                         5,116       5,002     -2%              -3%
    TF1                           1,130       1,285    +14%             +13%
    Bouygues Telecom              2,625       2,732     +4%              +4%
    Holding company and other       731          70     ns               ns

    Intra-Group elimination        (345)(1)    (277)    ns               ns

    Total                        14,790(1)   14,655     -1%              -2%
    o/w France                   10,496      10,369     -1%              -1%
    o/w international             4,294(1)    4,286      =               -3%

(1) Applying the same accounting policy as in 2010, excluding sales from
Finagestion (EUR175 million in Holding company and other, -EUR36 million in
Intra-Group elimination)

    Contribution of business areas        First-half

             (EUR million)
                                         2009     2010

    Bouygues Construction                 304      307     +1%
    Bouygues Immobilier                   132       91    -31%
    Colas                                 286      142    -50%
    TF1                                    90      123    +37%
    Bouygues Telecom                      702      734     +5%
    Holding company and other             (22)(1)  (19)    ns

    TOTAL                               1,492(1) 1,378     -8%

(1) Applying the same accounting policy as in 2010, excluding
contribution from Finagestion (EUR43 million in 2009)

    Contribution of business areas        First-half
           Operating profit

             (EUR million)
                                         2009    2010

    Bouygues Construction                 164     144     -12%
    Bouygues Immobilier                   104     109      +5%
    Colas                                  75     (47)     ns
    TF1                                    38     104    x2.7
    Bouygues Telecom                      415     409      -1%
    Holding company and other             (24)(1) (21)     ns

    TOTAL                                 772(1)  698     -10%

(1) Applying the same accounting policy as in 2010, excluding
contribution from Finagestion (EUR17 million in 2009)

    Contribution of business areas        First-half     change
    Net profit attributable to the

             (EUR million)
                                         2009    2010

    Bouygues Construction                 121      89     -26%
    Bouygues Immobilier                    60      56      -7%
    Colas                                  57     (28)     ns
    TF1                                    21      32     +52%
    Bouygues Telecom                      240     237      -1%
    Alstom                                182     216     +19%
    Holding company and other            (134)    (70)     ns

    TOTAL                                 547     532      -3%
    Net cash by business area    At end-June        EURm

          (EUR million)
                                   2009    2010

    Bouygues Construction        2,500   2,922     +EUR422m
    Bouygues Immobilier           (138)     58     +EUR196m
    Colas                         (919)   (952)     -EUR33m
    TF1                           (820)   (120)    +EUR700m
    Bouygues Telecom              (681)   (505)    +EUR176m
    Holding company and other   (6,201) (5,608)    +EUR593m

    TOTAL                       (6,259) (4,205)  +EUR2,054m
    Contribution of business areas      First-half     change
               Cash flow

             (EUR million)
                                         2009    2010

    Bouygues Construction                 242     245      +1%
    Bouygues Immobilier                    89      97      +9%
    Colas                                 289     164     -43%
    TF1                                    85     132     +55%
    Bouygues Telecom                      707     715      +1%
    Holding company and other             781     104      ns

    TOTAL                              1,490(1) 1,457      -2%

(1) Applying the same accounting policy as in 2010, excluding
contribution from Finagestion (EUR26 million in 2009)


    Contribution of business areas      First-half     change
        Net capital expenditure

             (EUR million)
                                         2009    2010

    Bouygues Construction                  64     114     +78%
    Bouygues Immobilier                     2       1     -50%
    Colas                                 136     135      -1%
    TF1                                    45      21     -53%
    Bouygues Telecom                      285     227     -20%
    Holding company and other              71       3      ns

    TOTAL                                539(1)   501      -7%

(1) Applying the same accounting policy as in 2010, excluding
contribution from Finagestion (EUR32 million in 2009)

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