Laboratoires Théa Acquires Rights to Commercialize 19 Ophthalmic Products in 30 Countries in Europe, as well as Turkey, Canada and Mexico
By Laboratoire Thea, PRNEWednesday, March 30, 2011
CLERMONT-FERRAND, France, March 31, 2011 - Laboratoires Théa, the leading independent ophthalmic group in
Europe, continues its expansion in ophthalmology with the announcement of the
acquisition of a broad range of products in the EEA, Canada, Mexico and
Turkey, from Novartis. This deal will significantly strengthen the company's
geographical presence through the opening of new affiliates in countries
where Laboratoires Théa products were either sold through distributors or
unavailable to-date. The newly acquired products will also reinforce the
company's overall activities in the area of eye allergies, inflammation and
dry eye.
"This acquisition represents a major step in our growth
strategy and opens numerous cross- fertilization opportunities for both our
existing and new businesses" said Laboratoires Théa President Jean-Frédéric
Chibret. The synergies that can be explored around the combined product
portfolios will help boost sales both for the Laboratoires Théa and former
Novartis product ranges. In addition, the company has already started to
build up its sales forces within the new affiliates (Nordic countries,
Austria, Turkey, Canada). As soon as these positions are filled, Théa will
have more than 250 medical reps fully dedicated to ophthalmology in Europe.
This will allow the company to reach considerably more ophthalmologists with
a broader range of products and thereby better meet the needs of millions of
patients each year. With these capabilities, the company is in an ideal
position to take on further partnership and distribution opportunities in the
field of ophthalmology, globally and in particular across Europe as well as
new countries such as Turkey, Canada and Mexico.
Laboratoires Théa is now able to meet even more of the
everyday needs of ophthalmologists whatever their type of practice. Among the
better known brands that Laboratoires Théa will be able to market are
ZADITEN(R) Ophtha, VOLTAREN(R) Ophtha and OCULOTECT(R), in certain
jurisdictions. The two new areas in which the company will be engaged include
diagnostics with FLUORESCEINE(TM) and multi-purpose contact lens solutions
from the former CIBA Vision SOLOCARE(R) range.
It is important to note that the company's growth will not
just rely on strategic acquisitions, but also on the ingenuity of its R&D. In
fact, the increase in overall company revenues will generate greater R&D
expenditures to support the historical organic growth. Dr Dominique Batou,
General Manager, adds that "Théa's strategy is based on research that is
reflected in the innovative molecules, new delivery systems and new
pharmaceutical product forms that we were first to market". Some prominent
examples include Laboratoires Théa's launch of ABAK(r), the first ever
preservative-free multi-dose eye drop system, one of the 1st dry eye gels,
the 1st anti-herpetic gel specifically designed for the eye and the 1st 3-day
ophthalmic antibiotic treatment. In the area of eyelid hygiene and eye
nutrition, Théa has again been breaking new ground through its contribution
to a better understanding of meybomian gland dysfunction and the role of
ocular nutrition.
In line with this strong history, the company aims to continue
down this path towards innovation in ophthalmology through its shareholder
status in Sisène, a Biotech start-up exploring new applications for
anti-angiogenesis that could perhaps one day be used to fight AMD
(Age-related Macular Degeneration). Additionally, a partnership has been
initiated with the Vision Institute in Paris, one of the largest integrated
research centers in Europe on vision related diseases.
About Laboratoires Théa
Laboratoires Théa is the leading independent ophthalmic group
in Europe. Founded in 1994, the company is a family business built on the
heritage of over 150 years experience of the Chibret Family in Ophthalmology.
Today, Théa is ranked 3rd in France, 6th in Europe and 7th
worldwide in the field of Ophthalmology. The company is present in 65
countries, owns 11 subsidiaries in Europe and had a turnover of EUR 192
million in 2010.
Media contact Burson-Marsteller France Tel. +33-1-41-86-76-26 - Cell: +33-6-07-59-43-95
Media contact: Burson-Marsteller France, Linda.pavy at, Tel. +33-1-41-86-76-26 - Cell: +33-6-07-59-43-95
Tags: canada, Clermont-ferrand, France, Laboratoire Thea, March 31, mexico, Turkey