Messages From Beyond the Grave

By Prne, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

LEEDS, England and DUBLIN -

If you could send messages to people after your death - to whom would they go and what would they say? Perhaps something too difficult to say while you lived - about you or someone else, about true feelings, missed opportunities or even threats against you or perhaps a confession?

You might simply want to make life easier for those you’re leaving behind by leaving instructions, copies of policies and documents or by explaining your will. Maybe you simply need to ask someone to attend to your ‘on-line’ life - bank accounts, share dealings and social networking.

The Last Messages Club enables you to do all these things and more in an easy-to-use, online environment carefully designed to work for you after your death.

The Last Messages Club allows members to securely store messages, files and attachments in their confidential Personal Vault for transmission only after their death - all at very low costs. Nothing can be sent out without your death being confirmed by your chosen ‘advisors’ and intended recipients must actively choose to view the messages to minimise surprises.

Annual subscriptions aren’t a requirement of membership - a free 30-day full membership can be converted to a lifetime Silver level membership for a one-off fee of GBP45 giving you 12 months to complete your messages and instructions etc. If you want continuing access, you can opt for a GBP15 annual subscription at any stage or take lifetime Gold level membership for GBP250 giving you a lifetime of access with no further fees at any time.

Source: The Last Messages Club

contact: Tim Grundon, TouchPaper PR on mobile +44(0)7971-272482 or email
tim.grundon at

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