Statement Regarding Eugene Gourevitch in Light of Italy Tax Scandal

By Attorney Of Eugene Gourevitch Marc Agnifilo, PRNE
Monday, March 15, 2010

There Follows a Statement From Marc A. Agnifilo With Regards to his Client Mr. Eugene Gourevitch:

LONDON, March 16, 2010 - I, along with Italian counsel based in Rome, represent Eugene Gourevitch
in connection with a pending investigation of tax evasion and related
offenses being conducted by authorities in Rome. Upon hearing of this
investigation, Mr. Gourevitch, a highly accomplished investment professional
with a stellar ethical record, did what any responsible executive would do in
his position: he secured counsel to defend these preliminary allegations and
authorized his counsel to communicate with the appropriate authorities. Any
suggestion that Mr. Gourevitch is breaking the law by the manner in which he
is participating in this investigation is simply false. Rather, he is
actively and appropriately engaging the legal process to address this matter,
and he will continue to do so. If there are additional questions, please
contact me at the email or phone number set forth here.

Thank you.

Marc A. Agnifilo, 26th Floor, 767 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10017, (New York Co.), marcagnifilo at, T: +1-212-750-7800; Contact for the journalists: PR adviser of Eugene Gourevitch, Vugar Khalilov, Vugar.khalilov at, +9-96312-900-144

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