Wegener - GO's Response to Today's Announcement Regarding Joop Munsterman's Departure

By Governance For Owners, PRNE
Sunday, October 3, 2010

LONDON, October 4, 2010 - Governance for Owners owns 13% of Wegener and has been an investor for
nearly 5 years. We are seriously concerned by today's announcement of the
departure of Joop Munsterman.

Joop Munsterman has done a tremendous job as Chairman of the Management
Board since May 2008. He has transformed the prospects for the company in a
very difficult period and created substantial value for Wegener. He has our
full support and confidence. We have not been involved in the process that
lead to Mr Munsterman's departure and we are disappointed that the board of
Mecom and the Wegener Supervisory Board have apparently let this happen.
Mecom shareholders have recently decided to replace its Chief Executive David
by next January. We believe that important decisions about Wegener
should await the appointment of a new Mecom Chief Executive.

This is a bad day for Wegener and it is difficult to understand how this
can be other than value destructive for the Wegener shareholders and their

Notes to Editors:

Governance for Owners (GO) is an independent partnership between major
institutional share owners, a long-term investor and GO senior executives. GO
is dedicated to adding long-term shareholder value for clients by exercising
owners' rights.

The GO European Focus Fund invests in a small number of European public
companies where value can be added through exercising owners' rights to
address key structural or strategic governance weaknesses that have
historically impaired company performance.

The GO Stewardship Service offers independent corporate governance voting
advice on the largest 1500 companies in the US, Europe, South East Asia and
Japan, combined with a more intensive programme of enhanced-value engagement
on selected companies within clients' portfolios.

For further information contact: Carina Hamaker, CitySavvy, +31-20-794-4735

Personnel Announcements News

October 4 News

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