World Travelling Evangelist Dr. Jaerock Lee Proclaimed "Only Jesus Christ is our Savior" in Estonia
By, PRNESunday, November 14, 2010
TALLINN, Estonia, November 19, 2010 - On October 30 and 31, 2010, the Estonia Miracle Healing Crusade 2010 was
held in "Saku Suurhall"the biggest arena of Estonia, by Dr. Jaerock Lee,
Senior Pastor of Manmin Central Church and Chairman of the United Holiness
Church of Jesus Christ. This crusade brought the most people to this arena in
the Christian history of Estonia.Numerous people accepted Jesus Christ as
their Savior and received healing by the power of God, and then God was
glorified. This crusade was broadcast to 220 nations via 37 satellites on GCN
TV, aired TV, Cable TV, and the Internet.
(Photo: )
On October 30th, the performance team of Manmin Central Church presented
a world-top class Christian performance and glorified God. It was followed by
Dr. Lee's sermon entitled "God the Creator." This sermon is the main message
of his book "Understanding the Message of the Cross of Jesus Christ"(ISBN:
978-8889127650, Destiny Image Europe) and then he earnestly prayed for the
sick from the podium. Many people were healed and testified to their healing
on the stage.
Bishop Dr. Robert A. van Heulen, European Director of the AEGA (The
Association of Evangelical Assemblies), had fallen very ill and entered
Estonia relying on the wheelchair. But when Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed for the
sick from the podium at the crusade, immediately he stood up from his
wheelchair and began walking. In addition, many people in attendance were
healed of various diseases including cancers and heart diseases and restored
poor eyesight by the great explosion of the Holy Spirit.
Dr. Lee's message delivered on the second night, on October 31st, was
titled "Why Is Jesus Our Only Savior?" In his message he emphasized that the
believers who accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior should cast away sins and
become sanctified. When he prayed for the sick, many people were healed of
various diseases including epilepsy and cancers.They came up to the stage to
testify to their healings. A little boy who had been blind since birth had
the vision in his left eye restored, and when he testified to his healing,
the audience rejoiced with big applause.
Dr. Jaerock Lee was named as one of the "Top 10 Most Influential
Christian Leaders in 2009" by the Christian Telegraphnewspaper.
DI Europe; PietroEvangelista(+39-335-48-03-07,
A picture accompanying this release is available on AP Archive: (ref# PRN25)
Contact(Italy) DI Europe; PietroEvangelista (+39-335-48-03-07, publisher at
Tags: Estonia,, November 15, November 19, Tallin, Tallinn