"3G in India: Operator Launch Strategies" and Other Research Reports by Ovum Available at MarketPublishers.com

By The Market Publishers Ltd, PRNE
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

LONDON, December 22, 2010 - Market Publishers Ltd informs that new in-demand market research reports
by Ovum (marketpublishers.com/members/ovum/info.html) have been added
to its catalogue.

3G in India: Operator Launch Strategies. The report describes
data services targeted at specific market segments, provides the key to
faster returns on network investments. The research provides the information
on the operators that are now planning their network rollout and service
strategies and discusses 3G launch strategies in India

Global Services Contracts 1H10: Telcos on a Bankers' Bonus. Banks are
back in the market for global network services, with technology and
manufacturing companies joining them as key innovators in communications. The
report provides a detailed analysis of the global service providers …

America Movil. The research dwells on the company focus on bundled
offerings and multi-play services as well as expanding 3G network capacity to
drive the next phase of growth. The research discusses strategic objectives
and the process of integration of newly acquired operations and stiff
competition from regional and local players as key challenges …

The Status of Mobile Termination Regulation in the EU15. The report
provides a detailed analysis of how current MTRs were determined across the
EU15 and look at how NRAs are taking the Recommendation into consideration as
they undertake new market analyses. The research discusses EC recommendations
aimed at harmonizing the charges across Europe

Despite LTE, HSPA+ Keeps Evolving. This report describes the main HSPA+
enhancements brought by 3GPP R8, R9, and R10. It also offers early trends for
these future HSPA+ options. The report provides technical overview of HSPA
evolutionary options and mobile broadband connection forecasts for 2009-2015

More new market research reports by Ovum can be found at

(Due to the length of the above URLs, it may be necessary to copy and
paste these hyperlinks into your Internet browser's URL address field.
Remove the space if one exists.)

    The Market Publishers, Ltd.
    Mrs. Alla Martin
    Tel: +44-208-123-2220
    Fax: +44-207-900-3970

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Fax: +44-207-900-3970, ps at marketpublishers.com

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