Balanced Pooled Funds Bounce Back Into the Black With Returns of 9.4% in Q3 2010

By Bny Mellon Asset Servicing, PRNE
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

LONDON, October 27, 2010 - BNY Mellon Asset Servicing's quarterly pooled fund survey show that
balanced pooled funds have bounced back into the black with a positive return
of 9.4% for Q3 2010. Q2 2010 posted a return of -8.9% and was the first
negative quarter that BNY Mellon had recorded since Q1 2009.

Data from BNY Mellon's Pooled Pension Fund Database, which covers the
largest and most representative sample available to UK pension funds'
trustees, shows that balanced pooled funds were positive for one-year,
three-year, five-year and ten-year with returns of 9.7%, 1.0%, 5.1% and 3.7%

For Q3 2010 returns were positive for most of the major equity sectors.
UK Smaller Companies posted the highest return with 15.2%. The lowest equity
return was provided by Japanese Equities with -0.1%, the only equity class to
post a negative, albeit only -0.1%.

Net median performance against index performance for Q3 2010 is detailed
below (there were not enough funds in the Pan European Equity sector to
calculate a median):

         Universe Name           Net Median Return (%)     Index Return (%)
         -------------           ---------------------     ----------------
           Balanced                      9.4                       -
         -------------                   ---                      ---
     UK Smaller Companies               15.2                     11.5
     --------------------               ----                     ----
      UK Equity Standard                13.8                     13.6
      ------------------                ----                     ----
        Overseas Equity                  8.7                      8.3
        ---------------                  ---                      ---
         Global Equity                  10.3                      8.8
         -------------                  ----                      ---
    North American Equity                5.3                      5.8
    ---------------------                ---                      ---
    European ex UK Equity               12.9                     13.4
    ---------------------               ----                     ----
      Pan European Equity                 -                      13.6
      -------------------                ---                     ----
        Japanese Equity                 -0.1                      0.1
        ---------------                 ----                      ---
       Pacific Basin (ex
         Japan) Equity                  12.4                     14.9
       -----------------                ----                     ----
    Emerging Market Equity              12.3                     12.2
    ----------------------              ----                     ----
       UK Bonds Standard                 4.6                      3.6
       -----------------                 ---                      ---
      UK Bonds Long Term                 6.2                      5.8
      ------------------                 ---                      ---
      International Bond                 2.4                      2.4
      ------------------                 ---                      ---
         Index Linked                    4.2                      3.6
         ------------                    ---                      ---
             Cash                        0.1                      0.1
             ----                        ---                      ---
           Property                      1.8                      1.6
           --------                      ---                      ---

Active UK Equity managers posted a return of 13.8% for Q3 2010. This
return beat its index which posted 13.6% for the quarter. The one-year return
for Q3 2010 also came in positive at 11.8% however it failed to beat its
index which returned 12.5%. The three-year return was negative at -0.8% per
annum though both the five and ten-year returns were positive with 4.5% per
annum and 2.6% per annum respectively.

During Q3 2010, Global Equity returned 10.3%, outperforming its index
which returned 8.8%. For the twelve-month period to 30 September 2010, Global
Equity achieved 10.4% while the Index achieved 10.6%. The three-year period
return was negative with -0.1% per annum. The five-year return for Q3 2010
was positive with 5.2% per annum while the ten-year return came in at 2.4%
per annum. Of these longer term returns only the ten-year beat its index.

During the third quarter of 2010 UK Bond pooled fund managers returned
4.6% which outperformed the comparative market index by 1.0%. International
Bond pooled fund managers also record a positive return achieving 2.4%.
International Bonds matched their Index which also returned 2.4%. Cash posted
a return of 0.1% for Q3 2010 which also matched its Index.

Property pooled fund managers continued their run of positive returns
recording 1.8% during the quarter which beat its index by 0.2%. Over the
twelve-month period to 30 September 2010, the median return for this sector
was also positive with a return of 17.8%. The last negative quarter for
Property was Q2 2009.

Commenting on the performance of pooled funds, Alan Wilcock, Performance
and Risk Analytics Manager at BNY Mellon Asset Servicing, said: "The bounce
back in the equity markets in the third quarter was welcome news, meaning
that all asset classes with the sole exception of European ex UK Equity
funds, were in positive territory for the first nine months of 2010."

Weightings continue to slide in UK Equities

Within BNY Mellon's balanced pooled fund universe, the weightings in UK
Equities fell 0.2% from the previous quarter to 36.9%. This can be attributed
mainly to relative performance during the quarter.

Weightings in Overseas Equities fell during the quarter by 1.3%, with
North American Equity showing a decrease in its holdings of 0.7%. North
American Equity primarily fell due to manager movements. Emerging Market
weightings rose over the period by 0.2%. This was mainly due to manager

Within Bonds, weightings for the UK fell by 1.1% to 7.8% over the quarter
mainly due to manager movements. International Bonds also fell this time by
0.5% to 3.6%. Weightings in Index-Linked Gilts fell by 0.1% to 0.5%.
Weightings in Property rose over the quarter by 0.1%.

BNY Mellon Asset Servicing's Pooled Pension Fund Database covers the
largest and most representative sample available to UK pension funds'
trustees. BNY Mellon Asset Servicing currently covers 57 separate asset
managers who manage over 367 pounds Sterling billion in pooled funds, both
balanced and specialist.

Notes to editors:

BNY Mellon Asset Servicing offers clients worldwide a broad spectrum of
specialised asset servicing capabilities, including custody and fund
services, securities lending, performance and analytics, and execution
services. The performance analysis and other information in this press
release are based on historical data and are intended for informational
purposes only. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.
This press release does not constitute investment advice, nor is it an offer
or recommendation of any security, investment product, service or firm.

BNY Mellon is a global financial services company focused on helping
clients manage and service their financial assets, operating in 36 countries
and serving more than 100 markets. BNY Mellon is a leading provider of
financial services for institutions, corporations and high-net-worth
individuals, providing superior asset management and wealth management, asset
servicing, issuer services, clearing services and treasury services through a
worldwide client-focused team. It has US$24.4 trillion in assets under
custody and administration and US$1.14 trillion in assets under management,
services US$12.0 trillion in outstanding debt and processes global payments
averaging US$1.6 trillion per day. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The
Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. Additional information is available at

      * To generate a median BNY Mellon first calculates the returns for
         the underlying funds within the respective sector for the time
      period required. BNY Mellon then selects the median fund from these
      funds. BNY Mellon only generates a Median if there are nine of more
      funds available within the sector and BNY Mellon does not chain link
                      medians to get longer term returns.
        This press release is issued by The Bank of New York Mellon to
                   members of the financial press and media.
      All information and figures source The Bank of New York Mellon as at
                   30 September 2010 unless otherwise stated.
     The Bank of New York Mellon, London Branch, registered in England and
                        Wales with FC005522 and BR000818
               Branch office: One Canada Square, London E14 5AL
         Authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Services

Louisa Bartoszek, +44-20-7163-2826, louisa.bartoszek at

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