Campaigners to Sound the Alarm on European Obesity Day, 21 May 2011
By European Obesity Day, PRNEThursday, May 19, 2011
BRUSSELS, May 20, 2011 - Workshops and workouts, health checks and info campaigns to stop the
'yo-yo effect' of repeated weight loss and gain will highlight the second
European Obesity Day on 21 May, sounding the alarm that over 200 million
European adults are overweight and a rising death rate looms.
The EOD 2011 campaign, 'STOP YO-YO', aims to get countries to
join Portugal, the only EU Member to recognise obesity as a chronic disease
in line with WHO recommendations[1] and a new European Parliament
Resolution[2]. Portugal now has dedicated treatment and prevention
Prof. David Haslam, EOD Co-founder said, "If we don't treat
obese individuals now, in five years time we will have a diabetes epidemic,
in ten years time a heart disease epidemic and in fifteen years time an
epidemic of premature death."
High-profile activities will take place all across Europe on 21 May,
- Portugal: Activists take over Lisbon's university stadium
with a large number of activities focusing on exercise, medical checks and
nutritional information.
- France: Info stands and nutrition and physical activity
workshops take place in many French cities with support from the French
Ministry of Health and government agencies.
- Belgium: 19 May roundtable with health specialists, patient
and consumer representatives, policy makers and media. Free health and BMI
checks available throughout the country.
Jean-Paul Allonsius, EOD President said, "Obesity is a chronic disease.
Patients need the support of healthcare professionals to deliver sustainable
behaviour change. Citizens should visit their health professional, find out
what a healthy weight is for them and how to reach and maintain it."
EOD 2011 was launched on 3 May 2011 in the European Parliament in
Brussels at an event hosted by Mr. Cristian Busoi MEP. The EU Health
Commissioner expressed support in a statement (
The rate of obesity has increased by 30% over the past 10-15
years[3] and the EU estimates that obesity accounts for up to 7% of EU
healthcare costs. Prevention through healthy diets and exercise is a start
but obese citizens need effective management of the disease by healthcare
Press kit:
[1] European Charter on counteracting obesity, WHO, 2006
[3] Health at a Glance, OECD, 2010:,3746,en_2649_37407_46460563_1_1_1_37407,00.html
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Contact: Richard Corliss info at +32(0)26450685
Tags: belgium, Brussels, European Obesity Day, May 20