Circle Surrogacy to Host Dublin Meeting on Surrogacy in the United States for Local Couples and Singles

By Circle Surrogacy Ltd., PRNE
Monday, March 21, 2011

Event marks the agency's return to Ireland, and its fourth European visit in 2011

DUBLIN, March 22, 2011 - Circle Surrogacy, one of the oldest surrogate parenting agencies in the
United States
, announces an informational meeting to be held on March 28,
in Dublin. The meeting will give prospective parents an opportunity to
hear expert advice about surrogate parenting options, listen to personal
stories from parents and a former surrogate, and ask questions about the
various aspects-medical, legal, financial-of surrogate parenting.

"Many factors have reinforced the desirability of pursuing surrogacy in
the United States for Irish prospective parents," says John Weltman, Circle
Surrogacy's president and a widely recognized expert in reproductive law,
noting the favorable moral, legal and medical climate for surrogacy in the
United States
. "We are very knowledgeable of the laws in each country and in
some of the most frequent destinations such as Sweden, Italy, Israel, the UK,
and here in Ireland, we partner with local organizations and lawyers to
provide a complete solution for our clients before and after the birth."

While surrogacy is nearly impossible in Ireland, it is legal for Irish
couples and individuals to go through the surrogacy process in the United
and return to Ireland after the birth of their children. In the United
, court decisions have reinforced the rights of intended parents who
have pursued surrogacy and no US appeals court has ever ruled in favor of a
woman seeking to retain custody of a child to whom she gave birth as a
surrogate mother.

Weltman stated that Circle's staff regularly meets with prospective
clients for consultations in their own countries, although many still conduct
them over the phone or in Boston and New York. The agency leads all intended
parents through the logistical, legal and administrative processes involved
from day one until they arrive home and gain full custody of their newborns.

Advances in reproductive technology, favorable laws, growing media
attention and societal acceptance have contributed to rapid growth of
surrogacy in the United States as a parenting alternative for infertile
couples, individuals, and the gay community. While many countries worldwide
still outlaw or restrict the practice, most states in America permit
compensated surrogacy.

"There is a fundamental need for reproduction alternatives like surrogacy
and egg donation," says Weltman, "and that need is for a couple, who remain
childless, try after try, to be able to share their love with a child of
their own. And we can make that happen."

About Circle Surrogacy

Circle Surrogacy is the oldest American surrogate-parenting agency
serving clients worldwide. Since 1995, Circle Surrogacy has facilitated the
birth of more than 500 babies with unequaled success rates in clients
becoming parents through egg donation and gestational surrogacy. Circle
Surrogacy provides a choice of specialized clinics at locations throughout
the United States as well as a large selection of egg donors, timely matching
with carefully screened surrogates and a variety of flexible programs and
financial options.

About John Weltman

John Weltman, president and founder, is recognized worldwide as an expert
in the field of surrogacy and reproductive law, as well as gay parenting.
John began his own surrogacy journey in 1991 and has two sons. He has written
numerous articles in leading publications and has given lectures throughout
the United States and Europe on various legal topics related to surrogacy.
John holds degrees from Yale, Oxford and the University of Virginia.

Related Links

- Circle Surrogacy homepage:

- Information on the Dublin meeting:

Information for Irish couples pursuing surrogacy in the United States:

MEDIA CONTACT: Patrick Ramirez, +1-617-439-9900,

Patrick Ramirez, +1-617-439-9900, pramirez at

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