LSE, FCO and Victor Philip Dahdaleh Foundation Help Palestinian Students

By Palestinian Media Watch, PRNE
Thursday, May 12, 2011

WINNIPEG, Manitoba, May 13, 2011 - LSE Global Governance, with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and
the Victor Philip Dahdaleh Foundation are working together to provide
jointly-funded Chevening Scholarships for Palestinian students wishing to
study the MSc in Global Politics in the UK.

The scheme helps a number of Palestinian students from a range of
backgrounds, many of whom cannot afford to live and study in the UK.
Scholarships provide GBP15,000 towards tuition fees and a further GBP10,096
contribution for living expenses. The cost of return airfares, university
registration, examination and thesis costs are also covered by the scheme.

Students are scheduled to start for one year full time in
September/October 2011, following the application process which ended on 31
March 2011

The students involved are typically between 25-35 years old and already
have a good first degree with considered interest in the relevant area. The
Chevening Scholarships will offer a vital resource of education for
Palestinian students. Higher education in the region continues to face
development issues caused by the ongoing conflict.

The LSE Global Governance was founded by Lord Professor Meghnad Desai in
1992 as the Centre for the Study of Global Governance. Since then, the Centre
has grown considerably and the pioneering work of Meghnad Desai has been
augmented by the work of Anthony Giddens, David Held and Mary Kaldor as well
as a group of talented younger scholars. Today it is led by co-directors
Graham Wallas Professor of Political Science David Held, Professor of Global
Governance Mary Kaldor and Professor of Economics Danny Quah.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office is the government department
responsible for promoting British interests overseas and supporting our
citizens and businesses around the globe.

The Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Charitable Foundation grants scholarships to
needy students of several universities; supports such causes as the Heart and
Lung Foundation, cancer research and other types of medical research; and has
contributed to a wide range of other issues such as the economic and social
development of poorer countries.

Founded by Victor Dahdaleh, the owner and chairman of Dadco and
affiliated companies. Victor Dahdaleh holds several positions within
non-profit organisations. He is an Honorary Fellow of the LSE and has been a
governor since 1995. He is a leading donor to the school, a member of its
Development Committee and Honorary President and Chairman of the Advisory
Board for the LSE Global Governance. He has been active in promoting the
interests of the school externally in many places and contexts around the
world, including persuading various foundations to give to the school to
support specific programmes.

Victor Dahdaleh is a board trustee of the William J Clinton Foundation.
During a visit to Stade in May 2009 Bill Clinton, the former President of the
United States of America
, met with 'his friend' Victor Dahdaleh at Aluminum
Oxide Stade (AOS) to discuss business and charitable matters.

After their meeting at AOS, Bill Clinton flew to Vienna accompanied by
Victor Dahdaleh. The pair developed topics for the next lecture to be
delivered by Clinton upon their arrival. The economic benefits of clean
energy and the global financial crisis were prevalent lecture themes.

Victor Dahdaleh is also a board member of the McGill University Trust;
immediate Past-President of the Canada-United Kingdom Chamber of Commerce
(2004-2009); a board member of the International Aluminium Institute (IAI);
and a Fellow of the Duke of Edinburgh Award World Fellowship.

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