MarketsandMarkets Partners With Marcus Evans for Their PharmaMarketing Summit 2010

By Markets And Markets, PRNE
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

PharmaMarketing Summit 2010

DALLAS, June 9, 2010 - About the PharmaMarketing Summit

This unique forum offers much more than any conference,
exhibition or trade show. The PharmaMarketing Summit will bring together
esteemed industry thought leaders and solution providers to a highly focused
and interactive networking event. The summit includes Pharma marketing
presentations on social media, healthcare reform and how to approach emerging
markets and many more exclusive topics.

For more information please send an email to or visit the event website at

Please note that the summit is a closed business event and the number of
participants strictly limited.

About Marcus Evans Summits

Marcus Evans Summits are high level business forums for the
world's leading decision-makers to meet, learn and discuss strategies and
solutions. Held at exclusive locations around the world, these events provide
attendees with a unique opportunity to individually tailor their schedules of
keynote presentations, think tanks, seminars and one-on-one business
meetings. For more information, please visit

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About MarketsandMarkets

MarketsandMarkets is a full service and consulting firm that
produces strategically analyzed full length reports track more than 10
industries. By FYE 2010 M&M plans to launch industry-wise and country wise
market tracker for all the verticals tracked. This intelligence database
comprising of about 60000 reports a year will form one of the world's largest
intelligence resources worldwide. MarketsandMarkets has effectively used
technology to automate management of large and complex data for forecasts.

    For more information on the summit please contact

    Simone Forde
    Media and Onsite Marketing Manager
    Marcus Evans (Barbados)

    For more information please contact

    Mr. Pankaj Sharma
    Marketing Head

For more information on the summit please contact: Simone Forde, Media and Onsite Marketing Manager, Marcus Evans (Barbados), +1-246-227-3730, simonef at; For more information please contact: Mr. Pankaj Sharma, Marketing Head, MarketsandMarkets, pankaj at, +91-9881144274

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