Media Advisory - KPMG International to Cut Through the Complexity of Tax at Amsterdam Summit

By Kpmg International, PRNE
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

AMSTERDAM, June 23, 2011 -


Leading professionals from across the globe will be cutting
through the complexity of tax issues when KPMG International hosts
its latest EMEA Tax Summit in Amsterdam from June 27-29.

The summit will focus on the key issues on the minds of tax
directors, exploring trends and disputes in subjects including:

  • Transfer pricing
  • Continued rise of indirect taxes
  • Financial services: tax and regulatory trends
  • Emerging markets, moving into the fast lane
  • Implications of more environmental taxes on global

From the second day of the summit, KPMG International will also
be posting content direct to their Tax Views href="">
website (live June 28), including video interviews with key summit
speakers, news releases recapping summit activities and the results
of polling.

A range of top-class speakers will be addressing delegates
throughout the summit, with each of them speaking to issues which
matter most by cutting through the detail. There will also be
real-time polling taking place to gauge delegates’ views on a range
of key topics to uncover what matters most to tax experts.

A selection of these speakers will also be available for
media interviews upon request to talk about the latest trends and
issues outlined above.

About KPMG International

KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit,
Tax and Advisory services. We operate in 146 countries and have
140,000 people working in member firms around the world. The
independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with
KPMG International Cooperative (”KPMG International”), a Swiss
entity. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity
and describes itself as such.

For further information:
James Bigg
Edelman Public Relations
Tel: +1-416-849-2496
Email:  href="">


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