O2h Continues to Support Senexis to Support Patent Filing Senexis Limited
By Oxygen Healthcare Ltd o2h, PRNESunday, June 13, 2010
CAMBRIDGE, England, June 14, 2010 - Executives from Senexis Limited (Cambridge,UK) signed an
agreement with O2h (Ahmedabad, India) under which O2h will provide Senexis
with chemistry services to support a patent filing on a novel chemical series
that have shown potential in pre-clinical models, as disease modifying
treatments for Alzheimer's Disease.
Dr. Mark Treherne, CEO of Senexis said that he appreciated O2h's
continual support over the last 4 years in being a reliable chemistry
partner, providing flexible multi-FTE chemistry support to the company.
Dr David Scopes, CSO at Senexis said "We have had a long collaboration
with O2h and are happy that it is supporting us to further our programs into
the important stage of patent applications. Senexis is again leveraging O2h's
expertise on the synthetic chemistry methodology underpinning our lead
Sunil Shah, CEO, O2h "We have an incredibly good relationship and I was
very happy learn about the positive Senexis data from their pre-clinical
studies which allowed the Wellcome Trust to continue supporting this
About Oxygen Healthcare Ltd
O2h is a 5 year old discovery services company co-located in Cambridge,
UK and Ahmedabad, India. The Indian operations provide a high level of
chemistry expertise while UK office provides project management support.
Current clients of O2h include several top 20 pharmaceutical and
biotechnology companies in the US, Europe and Japan. O2h adheres to the
highest standards of performance with a particular emphasis on rapid
interactive communications and delivery speed. Services provided by O2h
include FTE-based synthetic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, computational
chemistry, full services lab-units and ADME. Further information on O2h can
be found at www.o2h.com.
About Senexis Limited
Senexis is a drug discovery and development company, dedicated to the
discovery of effective treatments and diagnostics for major ageing-related
diseases, such as Alzheimer's dementia. It is now widely believed that
the misfolding and aggregation of amyloid-like proteins underlies the
pathologies of Alzheimer's disease and Senexis has discovered potent and
selective compounds that protect cells and tissues from the toxic forms of
amyloid. Senexis is now actively seeking development partners and
further information on Senexis can be found at www.senexis.com.
Contact information: Ekta Ahuja PhD info@o2h.com OXYGEN HEALTHCARE LTD 23 Cambridge Science Park CB4 0EY Contact: SENEXIS LIMITED Babraham Research Campus Babraham, Cambridge, UK CB22 3AT
Contact information: Ekta Ahuja PhD, info at o2h.com, OXYGEN HEALTHCARE LTD, +44(0)1223-437014
Tags: Cambridge, England, June 14, Oxygen Healthcare Ltd (o2h), United Kingdom