Personal Happiness in Europe

By Foundation For Future Studies, PRNE
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

HAMBURG, Germany, August 18, 2011 -

Danes are the Most Satisfied Europeans

Over two thirds of Europeans are satisfied with their lives in spite of the euro crisis and fears surrounding the single currency. This is the conclusion of a new study by the non-profit BAT-Foundation for Future Studies for which more than 15,000 members of the public in 13 different countries were interviewed. The most positive outlook on life came from the people of Denmark, with almost all of those interviewed (96%) saying they were happy. In contrast, the Germans (61%) came in at a lowly third to last place, justifying their reputation as pessimists. Certain things are the same in every country: women are happier than men, country folk are happier than city dwellers and couples are much more satisfied with their life than singles, as are those on a good wage compared with those on a low income. What the Foundation’s Scientific Head, Prof. Ulrich Reinhardt, finds particularly positive is the fact that it is the younger generations throughout Europe who are expressing the greatest happiness and - even in uncertain times - continue to look to the future with hope and optimism.

These results are part of a comprehensive European project to study the perspectives and attitudes of the citizens of Europe as well as their hopes and fears. In order to do this, the foundation encourages anyone who is interested to visit and write down their own personal dream for Europe. A somewhat unusual task perhaps, particularly in light of the current situation - not to concentrate on the complaints and demands of Europe’s citizens but rather to give their dreams and wishes centre stage. But this is every bit as fascinating as it is necessary if the right priorities are to be set concerning the future of the “Project Europe”.

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