POMA Launches Aerial Tramway Over New York

By Poma, PRNE
Sunday, October 24, 2010

VOREPPE, France, October 25, 2010 - After nine months' work the French firm POMA is putting the
final touches to the installation of a new aerial tramway in New York City,
linking Roosevelt Island to Manhattan. The keywords for this unique,
resolutely urban amenity are innovation, availability, flexibility and above
all safety.

A revolutionary world's first for POMA

With the completion of this ultra-modern aerial tramway POMA
brings to New Yorkers the most advanced technology in cable-drawn urban
transport. To meet the extremely high standards for passenger transit in a
city, each car's cradle runs on an extra-wide track. This novel arrangement
ensures the cabins remain exceptionally stable, regardless of the weather
conditions. To meet safety requirements and deliver the best possible
service, the two cars operate independently. The 960-metre aerial tramway
connects Roosevelt Island to Manhattan in three minutes. Each car has room
for 110 passengers and the system can sustain a flow of 1,500 riders an hour.

A challenging urban project

This job has been exceptionally challenging for POMA,
involving several major constraints, in particular a limited schedule and
strict regulations. Furthermore the firm had to allow for existing
infrastructure. Nor was there any question of work on the project disturbing
the flow of traffic on the roads below, used every day by thousands of city
dwellers. POMA has demonstrated here the full range of its project management
and coordination skills.

Soon open to the general public

The first cable was fitted on October 5 2010, with the first
running tests starting the next day. By October 8 a car was already
travelling at 8 metres per second, its final design speed!

In the course of the next few days will be processed a series
of tests leading up to final certification of the facility by the Department
of Labour. The permit authorizing the tramway to open to the general public
is expected to be issued at the beginning of November. The Roosevelt Island
Operating Corporation (RIOC), the owner of aerial tramway, should be able to
organize an official opening in the coming weeks.

POMA in a few words

POMA, a French company, started life in 1936 and has
established its position as one of the world's main suppliers of cable
transport systems.


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