Helps you Deconstruct Your Diet

By Prne, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

LONDON - offers you a straight path through the weight-loss maze with the best way to give your diet the overhaul! With recent reports even suggesting that calorie counting could make you fat, we at realbuzz show you how to sort your food from the fad. There is so much written about losing weight and combining an active lifestyle, you need to be savvy to understand all the myths and legends out there!

So, if you are a persistent weight-loss wannabe without long-term success it might be time to take a deeper look into your day-to-day eating and deconstruct your diet. We’ve pulled together our realbuzz diet deconstruction - follow these ideas and you’ll have a healthier and simpler approach to weight loss.

Are you eating too much?

Portion sizes have generally been on the up over the last few decades, and it’s about time to watch what we eat! Eating out is much more common now than in the 1970s, people will generally eat what they are given, and not what is a healthy size or portion. What is a normal portion size? How would you gauge what’s healthy? Well, gives you the low-down on how much you should, and shouldn’t be eating:

Are you planning your meals?

If you are leading a hectic life, as so many of us do, then you will probably be making do with what’s in the fridge or the cupboard when you get home from work, and buying on-the-hop at lunch time. With a little bit of forward planning you’ll be able to organise and plan meals that can be nutritious, healthy and not full of hidden nasties! Our breakdown is available at:

Are you really hungry? Or can you curb the cravings?

Cravings are often a learned response; this means that you can unlearn them! The more that you manage to resist the craving, the more likely you are to permanently change the way that you respond to your cravings. Remember, all is not lost if you do give in to a craving - just plan how you will cope the next time it happens, be kind to yourself and move on. can show you in a few simple steps how to curb the cravings:

Are you a serial fad dieter?

Fad diets do not work - full stop! Whether it’s lose a stone in a month, or drop a dress size in two weeks, they may work for the short term, but don’t in the long. There is a huge and continual interest in weight loss and dieting, but if diets don’t work then what is actually the solution to maintaining a healthy lifestyle? Here at realbuzz we believe that we have the answer. Why fad diets don’t work, weight management - the easy way, as well as hints and tips to keep trim:

For further information please contact Fiona Gibbins on +44(0)20-7202-7982 or


For further information please contact Fiona Gibbins on +44(0)20-7202-7982 or Fiona at

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