Ukrainian Administration Became More Efficient: Polish Expert

By Worldwide News Ukraine, PRNE
Thursday, May 26, 2011

KYIV, Ukraine, May 27, 2011 -

The expert of the Polish Institute of International Affairs Lukasz
Adamski praised Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych for his merits in
making the government more efficient, but criticized him for restriction of
political pluralism in Ukraine. The statement was released in Warsaw during a
meeting between the Gorshenin Institute (GI) experts, a Ukrainian independent
think-tank, and their Polish colleagues, reports Ukrainian news agency Levy
Bereg (

According to Adamski, it is clear that the operation of Ukrainian
administration has become much more efficient because of Viktor Yanukovych
and his government. The improvement has been highlighted by the European
officials and politicians and became obvious, based on the negotiation
process regarding the creation of the free trade zone between Ukraine and the
EU. Such association, according to the Polish expert, will help expand mutual
contacts, develop the European integration process of the transfer of
European norms and, if successful, will be credited to Viktor Yanukovych.

On the other hand, Adamski is concerned about "the restriction of
political pluralism in Ukraine." As an example, he mentioned the initiated
trials against Yulia Tymoshenko and former officials or politicians from her

According to Adamski: "There is no great political competition, which was
in the years after the Orange Revolution." He also mentioned that the
"President is successful, and has a chance to go down in history as the
president who laid the foundation for the modernization of the state and
European elections. But we see negative trends as well. I do not want to say
that Ukraine has ceased to be democratic, but some achievements of the Orange
Revolution and the scope of political pluralism narrowed and diminished."

The Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych took office in April 2010 and
since then has managed to consolidate powers that his predecessors were
competing for. His government identified and started implementing four key
reforms, namely: tax, administrative, anti-corruption, and pension reforms.
The administrative reform, designed to reduce the number of public servants
by reorganizing the ministries and decreasing their number by a third, has
brought significant changes to the executive power structure. As a result,
most of the experts noted that the level of political stability had gone up.

For more information, please contact Maryna Khorunzha +380443324784
news at, Project Manager at Worldwide News Ukraine.

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